No one instantly looks good on camera. No one has an innate ability to come across on television. No one is born with natural abilities to look perfect and perform on video, but there are some suggestions that can help you look better than you might expect . . . and appear natural on TV.
1. Don't try to wing it.
Many business leaders think that because they know their business backwards and forwards, they can simply stand up and talk about it. They think something magical will happen. Nothing could be further from the truth.
To appear prepared on television, you must be prepared BEFORE you step in front of the camera. The industrial video producer wants to make you look good. If you have a script to work from, you should have it completely memorized, because you need to look good. You owe it to your company.
2. Listen to the director.
Industrial video directors have experience working with both professional and non-professional talent. They are ex perts is making on-screen talent look good. Listen to their coaching and their suggestions. They have your best interests at heart.
3. Look into the camera.
Generally, you'll be asked by the director to look into the camera and deliver your lines. Think of the camera lens as the eye of a friend. When you're talking to someone, you don't let your eyes wander all around, if you did, people would not believe you. They also might think that you didn't like them. In industrial video production, you never want to come across as uncaring and unbelievable. Don't let your expression look shifty-eyed. Look straight at the camera and smile if you can. Be pleasent.
4. Don't ask for cue cards.
Because you need to look believable and trustworthy, you should never use cue cards or TelePrompTers. The non-professional has a hard time reading lines without following the words with their eyes. This is why you need to memorize your lines and look directly into the camera.
5. Don't wear red, black or white.
Be careful what you wear On-camera. Red sometimes looks smeary on television. Black and white offer too much contrast. Tight patterns can cause signal noise on-screen. The best colors for video are greens and blues. If you want to appear as if you're wearing a black suit and a white shirt or blouse, you can wear a dark blue suit and a light blue shirt or blouse. The magic of TV will change your outfit to black and white. Everyone will be happy.
If possible, bring a number of clothing options to a shoot: blazers, sweaters, shirts, blouses, shoes, etc.
6. Don't wear shiny and noisy accessories.
Leave your beautiful bracelets and necklaces at home. If you have a pager or a watch that beeps, remove them and put them away where they won't interrupt the shooting. If you'll be shooting in your office, ask that call not be put through. Also, have intercoms and background noise turned off.
7. Speak when you're asked to speak.
If the director asks you to speak, it's probably because an audio check is needed. To get a good audio reading you'll need to speak and continue speaking until your voice reaches its proper level. Don't just say your name and stop. Tell everyone within view about your morning, your drive to work, your last night on the town, anything you can until you're asked to stop.
If you can't think of anything else, recite the alphabet!
8. Expect to wear makeup.
You should look composed On-camera and you can't look composed if you look sweaty. At a bare minimum, the addition of powder will be used to reduce shin y surfaces.
9. Take it easy.
It's best to be relaxed, even if you have to work at it. If you find yourself all tight and nervous, you should stretch, count to ten slowly and take deep breaths. Hum a favorite song. See if you can make your nose vibrate from your humming. This is an exercise used by many stage actors. It helps relax the body and produces a more vibrant speaking voice.
10. Answer in short, complete sentences.
If you're being interviewed, you should never respond with a yes or no. It's best to rephrase the question into your answer. When you've answered the question completely, STOP. Don't run your sentences on and on. Answer the question. Period. If the director wants more. You'll be asked for more.
The main thing about being on camera is the ability to be flexible. If the director wants you to repeat a line, a paragraph or a complete answer, just do it. If the director wants you to wear a different blouse or shirt, just do it. The dir ector has experience and is looking out for your interests. Be flexible and listen . . . and you'll find that you're a video star.
Author Justin Tyme: Justin is an internet reporter who writes for small business, and business training companies like Ideas and Training (, which provides business training products. Justin is also skilled in video production where he works for PNW Video Productions (, which produces corporate communication videos.
Author:: Justin Tyme
Keywords:: video production, Communications, corporate Communications, on camera, On-camera
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