Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Batman Comics

The Batman comics are about action.

Bruce Wayne is a millionaire and has butler named Alfred. Bruce spends most of his day dealing with his companies. When he is finished with his day of work, he fights crime in the streets of the city during the night.

This superhero is different from others, due to the fact that he has no superpowers. He relies on his gadgets and bat suit to fight crime. The bat suit looks a bat, and it is bullet proof. It also has a cape that turns into a glider whenever he freefalls from multi-story buildings. This helps him land safely and makes him seem as though he is flying like a bat. This suit also has a belt but it is not a normal belt, it's a utility belt, and it carries all Batmans gadgets used for crime fighting.

One of the most used gadgets is called the grapping hook. This gadget is like a gun, but has a hook loaded in it that is attached to a rope. Batman uses the grappling hook when he needs to reach the top of a high building from the ground. He points the grappling hook at the building and pulls the trigger. The hook fires into the air and clamps onto the edge of the building. He then presses the trigger again and the rope launches him to the top of the building. This gadget also is use for swinging through the city.

Batman faces lots of criminals who have guns, and he has a gadget called a batarangs which takes care of them. He just throws the batarangs at the criminal and knocks the gun out of their hand. When he criminals are trying to run from him, he uses a similar gadget which incorporates a rope which emerges when thrown and ties up the criminal.

Batman also has gas capsules which he uses to escape. He just throws the capsule down on the ground and it creates a gas that fills the room and he disappears.

Batmans car, the Batmobile, is equipped with a high tech computer which can scan the area for crime. It also has a built in gun and smoke screens. This is a high powered car that has fire in the tail pipes. When the car is going at top speed and needs to make a narrow turn, Batman just uses the grappling hook that's built in to the Batmobile. The hook comes out of the door, connects to a lamp post and allows him to make the narrow turn.

The Batman comics are not all about the gadgets. Batman is a great detective and solves criminal cases. Using his detecting and crim e fighting skills, he keeps the city free of crime.

This comic is not like other comics that have super heroes because this hero mostly fights during the night time and uses only his gadget and kung fu skills.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Comic Books

Author:: Michael Russell
Keywords:: comic books,Batman
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Poets & Poems Part VII Crown of the Hill & The Demon in Poetry


Crown of the Cerro (Unishcoto Ruins)

Up the *cerro to UnishcotoI followed the rocks,
They changed from shape to shape, but scarcely a breathe did I linger
I moved from stone to stone, some had human shapes, others looked like old bones.
I almost got lost in the gathering light,

Close by me my guide, my wifea feast of ruins resided on top
And sparse tress combed the area thereabouts;
A white and blue sky, which looked like
A wobbly sea was overhead

And then, then
There was the crown of the hill ahead

#1521 *Cerro=hill


Readers & Poets

The poet seeks words when he should be seeking matter, more concerned with choiceness of the verse, phrase or stanza than clean composition of the sentence, and the beauty that should be in the clauses. We need to weigh the matter and the worth of the subject (in the poem) more, and perhaps make better judgments as reade rs and poetslest we go back to the ignorant Stone Age.


The Demon in Poetry

The poet, he often lives in a soul that is tarnished from his past, he looks too long backwards, when he should be looking forward. He may have ripe passion, exaggerated feelings, sentiment, but that cannot pull him out of his morbid dreams, or the rubbish many feel compelled to write. He needs to select the treasures of the past, to enjoy the present (if only he could).

Most poets live at the pitch of frenzy, they leave the demon in the Poetry because it makes it more important. If he takes him out, he may have to abolish evil, and contend with life as it is.

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Poetry
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Angelina of Glastonbury and the Perfect Squire


[A.D. 1218

[Advance Angelina of Glastonbury was born in the year AD 1185; it was the year King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem died. It was also a time the Leper King tried to make peace with Saladinthe Islamic warlord. The King had the most deadly form of leprosy known to man; nonetheless, he was an excellent leader in battle, so it was said.

Angelinas grandfather had fought in the crusades of his day. He had many triumphs and would tell those stories to Angelina during her formative years. Thus, Angelina would grow richer for heroism and devotion to the cause of chivalry; such portrays this romantic era provided Her, it was surely the right time for her to have lived, so she said a hundred times, to herself.

This era once considered Dark, was now the crusading age, with not only art and culture, but a time for reverence for the great popes, such as Pope Urban II, who attended the Counsel of Clermont, eighty-years before her birth. Her grandfather u sed to talk about him, perhaps it was a spark for the aid of Christendom in the East, the Crusaders.

There were colorful stories hed tell Angelina, it is perhaps why she loved Knighthood so much, and had a profound love for King Arthur and King Richard, the Lion Hearted, and of course her husband, known as the Green Knight.

Had she been a man, she would have joined the forces of the Crusades, for there was the longing, desire to see the Holy Lands, it all captivated her.


Jerusalem of course was a household word, as Angelina grew up in little Glastonbury, England, by the renowned and mystic Tor [of Avalon, where once King Arthur walked upon. It was not all that far from her house, and the great trees called: Gog and Magog, giants of another time. There was much lore in this village, to include Arthurs grave.

She even had regard for the compelling conquer Genghis Khan; he was fascinating to her, and somehow she saw his good side, telling h er husband in so many words (now with six children)) the year being AD 1219)) I do not think he is as bloodthirsty as others would have us believe. Fighting his way to power was no different than King John, yes contrary to contemporary wisdom, she saw him in a different light, as a man ahead of his times; one with courage (not like King John, in that sense); who allowed religious freedoms, which John tried to take away. She had even heard he abolished torture as once was: a means to his end. She admired that, that a powerful man could be humble. It was as she thought it should be, as her grandfather was, and her father, and her husband. But she had known others to the contrary.

It is a good time to be alive, she told her eldest son, Phillip, a great time.

Chapter One

A Knight and a Page

So it was a good year to be born, AD 1185, she told her family. Her husband still prayed like he used to, as a Knight would have prayed in the old days, when he was part of the crusades, a crusaderhe got Knighted right on the battlefield, by another Knight, it was how things were done back then. Yes indeed, hed kneel, his arms upraised in prayer.

He had no squire at his right side anymore, not like he used to have; nor a sword attached to his waist, times had changedbut he had Angelina, and that was his wife, friend, and sidekick, it was all he needed, and of course his family, now six children, two boys and four girls. Richard the youngest, and Phillip the elder, and Marybell, one year under Richard, she looked a lot like Angelina.

In AD 1204, the Franks and the Venetians launched a sea borne attack on Constantinople, part of the 4th Crusades (of five). Back then, Angelina was but nineteen-years old, married of course, but she liked to keep abreast of current events; likewise, her husband was always enthusiastic about such things. All these things were talked about in the house, openly, and Phillip listened as once Angel ina would listen to her grandfather talk about his exploits of the wars, the crusades. But Phillip of course had seen danger at first handand could give testimony to what the color of a soldiers blood washe seen at first hand conflict, his mother had killed a man at the Tower of London, in 1215 to free his father. All this combined was stored in the little mind of a boy: year after year after year.

Phillip was the son of a Knight, thus, he was taken from the care of his mother at the early age of seven (born: 1204; at seven it was the year 1211 he was taken), taken (sent) to a nearby castle of a powerful nobleman to begin his training as a Page. For the most part, ever form of mental job became his: fetching and carrying, running errands, helping the woman of the house, learning patience by doing nothing much of the time. Thus, as time marched on, so did his responsibilities.

He learned to play musical instruments, compose verse, to curry horses and care for haw ks, and then came the arms, the sword, lance and axe. After this training he was to became a squire, it was to be at the age of fourteen, but at the age of 9, he was stopped, it was two and a half years into training, he had learned all a squire was to do, he just didnt do it, or have the chance to do it.

Angelina was most proud of him, but it would not be Knighthood for Phillip, by virtue, his presence was needed at home, and chivalry would have to come in a different form.

There were other reasons for the change, perhaps, King John himself was one; Angelina would never say for certain in her diary, but it was expected he played a role in it. Phillip, like his father was gentle, and like his mother affectionate. But Phillip held inside of him, like his mother, the longing to be all he could be, and if a hero to his mother, and like his father and grandfather: the entire better.

Chapter Two

The Perfect Squire [AD 1218

Phillip had runway, left a note for his mother: sad as it was, he said in the note, he needed to prove himself, hence, he joined a crusading army and sailed to the port of Damietta on the Nile (the year was AD 1218, Phillip was but fourteen years old). He had felt he had proven himself a squire, in half form, and having been tested under fire, at the Tower of London, rescuing his father with his mother in 1215, this was proof enough of his courage to him. Now he needed to be all he could be.

There forces were being led by John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem, and with him was the Duke of Austriaalong side of him was Cardinal Pelagius, the Popes legate.

Phillip of Glastonbury became (by virtue of need) the squire for the Duke, his previous squire had been killed in battle; and it was this winter the fighting continued, the campaign went on, and Phillip was much involved with it, the Moslems suffered much from famine and dispute among themselves, as the crusaders, suffered in human losses.< /p>

The Sultan al-Kamil had found treachery among his own people, at which time, he wanted to make an offer of peace: coupled with the Franks leaving Egypt: consequently hed give them Jerusalem and Palestine.

It was a few days after this agreement Phillip and the crusaders attacked Damietta, and they took the city. It was a heroic day to say the least. Yet, as two years passed, they had to retreat out of the citynow Phillip a full squire, looking to Knighthood, perhaps he would have gotten it had they not had to retreat so abruptly (in Glastonbury, Angelina had received news of the retreat, and was hoping now, her son would return home).

On there way out of Egypt, onto Tripoli, many had died in the mud, and the crossing of desert, and skirmishes from every corner and nook on the way.

Alex of Austria, a Page, wanting to be squire, was the same age as Phillip, and much envious of him, he had not been in any battles, but was a good servant, so Phillip woul d have said had you asked him. It was during a drunken rage that Alex had pulled a knife out, and tried to kill Phillip: thereafter, he could no longer sleep at night, and if he did, it was with one eye open.

Said the Duke, to Phillip on a windy winter morning in Tripoli, standing by an old ancient pillar, a bridge not far from both of them:

Have you seen Alex of Austria?

He waited for a response, but Phillip hesitated, not sure why himself.

Whatever happened to Alex, hes been missing for a day?

Confusion filled Phillips eyes and mind.

What happened mummified Phillip in a stutter.

Yes, said the Duke in a ponderous dismay, Have you seen him?

I saw him a day ago, I remember it well, we just got to Tripoli and he asked me to talk to him, I do believe he hesitated, looked down to the ground, his feelings sad, but why he didnt know. And they had been in Tripoli going on two weeks, so his story was distorted for some odd reason. But the Duke didnt say a word to that.

Please go on Phillip, tell me what you know.

Well, I cant say for sure, but as I was here on foot a day ago, a Turkish horseman came by I remembernever have I seen such fair a Knight, other than you and my father, and he asked him to be his squire. Phillip was staring at the bridge as he talked to the Duke.

You saya Turk, is that not what you said? said the Duke.

Yes, I do believe so, yes, he was a Turk; I saw his shield. He went straighttowardsthat bridge!

Phillip then pointed at the bride, the one he was already looking at, the very one the Duke was already looking at. And the Duke mounted his horse and rode over to it, as Phillip stood stone-still, by the old pillar, just staring, staring away as in a trance, or some kind of fog.

Ayeby god, what has happened! cried the Duke, looking over the bridge at the dead body of Alex, the body lay there in the mud and water, with darts, five at lest in his body, in his blood soaked tunic, bloody. He looked over at Phillip, Stay where you are Phillip, this is not a sight for you to see, not today, this will be too much, we shall talk of this another day yet (but it would never be discussed, or mentioned again, for the Duke knew the truth of the matter, and in war, it was not uncommon, a man needs his sleep if he is to fight, only the Pages didnt require sleep, battle was not there forte).

The following day, the Duke started teaching Phillip great feats with arms, with the hand sword and strokes. For a month he taught him such things, and as a result, felt he was ready for Knighthood.

Phillip had seen his own blood in battle, it flowed and his teeth did crackle under the blows of the enemy. He confronted war head on, perhaps not completely prepared, but nonetheless, he did this, and this day, would be his day to obtain Knighthood from the Duke of Austria. Knighthood could be given by the King, another Knight, or royalty, and thus, before they left Tripoli, he was a Knight. Under normal circumstances a week long feasible would be given, but here it was a drunken evening, and a light ceremony, it was all that could be offered under the state of affairs.

Chapter Three


It was two and a half years by the time Phillip had reached Glastonbury again (almost three years you could say), his mother standing out by the doorway, people running after him, as he rode down the road to her home, his home. There she stood: a proud mother looking up to her son on horseback with armor on, and a sword attached to his side, life could not get any better he felt, and Im sure Angelina felt the same, the father standing in back of Angelina, he knew she had to be up front on this occasion; for he was her hero, and he liked it, and now the son was part of the circle.

She would write in her diary later, What more can a person ask for. I have three heroes in my heritage to look up to: my grandfather, my husband and now my son.

When Phillip got a glance of his mothers proud smile he got goose bumps up and own his body, it was a dream come true; and now hed be part of the ongoing saga of conversations on the Great Crusades, that had plagued his family for three generations: like mom would talk about, and his great grandfather told mom.

Let us not spoil the home coming, but Angelina would die the following year (AD 1221), but of all those she put into her diary, Glastonbury would remember her above them all: somehow I think she was the real hero.

Written 1/16/2006

See Dennis' web site: see Dennis books at or

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Short Story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Best Part of my Life A love poem for Rosa and Commentary by the Author

The Best Part of my Life
[A love poem; for Rosa

I shall lay deep beneath the gravel earth
And wait, like a ghoul on a moonlit night,

While you rest beside the fires heat, grey,
My love, wife, my life, does not forget me;
Ah, love me dear! Happy we shall be yet,

Flying somewhere within the Universe.

#735 6/22/05

Comments by the Author: Here is a very, very short love poem. I havent wrote many love poems per se, or short stories, directly on love without a twist, or novels, not sure why, perhaps the fire inside of me wants to leave that part alone; spin it out in secret, hum it out in songs. Even when I write, or wrote, The Best Part of my Life, the roses never seem quite red enough, the word love seems so dotted with too many periods and commas around it. Weary, and not good enough, it comes out, but it is all I have for the moment; the night sky doesnt seem to have enough stars, and the jeweled tomorrow seems too far-off. Spl endid as I try to believe it will be, the real gold that a person is worth never shines or gleams enough to make words worthy. But Rosa, my wife is the best part of my life, as my mother was, now passed on. So in my life Ive been most fortunate to have had the love of two great women.

Dennis Siluk

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Poetry
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

The Right Time

Marianne's fourth grade teacher walked with a limp. Some unfortunate accident took all of her toes on her left foot making walking difficult. Some students made fun of her behind her back and stared at her foot unmercifully. But she was a wonderful teacher and a kind person. Her only son was killed when barely out of his teens in the war and she mourned him every day. His few toys remained as they were in his room, untouched these many months. She knew that they just reminded her of her loss, but the thought of giving them up hurt even more.

All winter Marianne made the long trip from her school to her home, escorting her younger brother in Kindergarten. Her mother had to work and there was no other way for her brother Manfred and a neighbor's little girl to get home safely. To make it easier and fun for the Children Marianne pulled them along in the deep snow in her old sled. The metal runners were wobbly in their sockets and the slats showed only traces of the blue paint they once wore. Missing pieces of the seat were carefully taped up by her uncle so the Children wouldn't get scratched.

One day, after a heavy snow fall, Marianne arrived at the Kindergarten to collect her charges. They were all ready in their handmedown winter togs, their faces barely visible behind heavy wool scarves. But outside the door Marianne saw an empty trampled spot where her trusty sled was tied. Some nasty person had stolen her transportation. Now the Children would have to walk twenty blocks in the deep snow. A black thought now came to Marianne as she visualized what her mother would say to her losing the sled. A tongue lashing was not the worst that would happen to her. She began to sob, harder and harder, as she stumbled back into the school. Her teacher limped over to her, asking what was wrong. Haltingly, Marianne sobbed out the whole story, leaving out only the punishment she would get. The teacher hugged her fiercely and reassured the Children that it would be all right, not to worry. Suddenly she threw on her coat and told the Children< /a> to follow her. Out the back door and down the lane they trudged, following the quickly stepping teacher.

A little ways away they were ushered into a hallway where the teacher lived and were asked to wait there. Some bumping noises were followed by the teacher struggling down the steps with a large red sleigh in her arms. It had belonged to her dead son, keeping its place in his room all these months. Long enough for three Children, the red painted seat still shone with carefully tended varnish. It boasted steering runners rising in graceful curves and raised sides for the little ones. A long manila rope was tied to the front, ready for pulling. Ready also was the bereaved teacher to give up part of her sad memories. Biting back tears, she gave the sleigh to Marianne. It was for a go od cause and it was the right time.

Writing is so rewarding. Have you a comment? Please.

Author:: Kenneth C. Hoffman
Keywords:: Christmas, Grieving, Children
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Exam 70228 Installing Configuring and Administrating MicroSoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

This exam tests your skills required to install, configure and administrate MS SQL Server 2000, Enterprise Edition. The targeted audience is candidates with one or more year of experience administrating and implementing relational data base in a medium to large computing environment. In other words, you should be fairly familiar with the SQL relational concept before you start this exam. It will be a rough road if you have no idea what a tables or data bases or indexes means!

Why take the SQL exam? There is no question that MS SQL Server is tied in the .net world. Furthermore, if you look at Windows Rights Management System, that safeguard digital information from unauthorized use and protection of sensitive information, such as Web content, documents, and e-mail, you will notice that it employed SQL Server as its data base. In other words, more and more applications will employ SQL server as its database engine! Before you start the project, check the official MS Ex am objective at for detail information. You can obtain the necessary material or training by attending the following Instructor-led courses:

Course 2071: Query MS SQL Server 2000 with Transact-SQL
Course 2072: Administering a MS SQL Server 2000 Database
Course 2073: Programming a MS SQL Server 2000 Database

Exam Vital Statistics

Number of Questions:..........................45
Time:............................................. ..105 min
Level of Difficulty:..............................8/10
Score format:....................................Numeric score
Passing grade:...................................700

Preparation Setup

Two PC(P4) for two SQL servers connected through Cable modem router
MS Press: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Administration Exam 70-228
SAMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 unleashed
MSPress: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Technical Reference Libra ry
MSPress: Book-On-line.
Addison-Wesley: SQL Queries for Mere Mortals
Apress: SQL Server Stored Procedures Handbook
Addison-Wesley: The Gurus Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML

Reading data base books can drive your eyes red and dry some time. There is so much material in relational data base technology arena that you can read for weeks or months without ever approaching your exam target date! We all have different educational background and study habit, check out your local libraries and book stores for the best study material suitable for you!

A practical approach would use MSPress: Exam 70-228 as a starter and SAMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 unleashed as a secondary source. First read and do the lab exercises in MSPress: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 System Administration Exam 70-228 book. Pay careful attention to the setup parameters or options. Do not skip a single exercise! The exercises are designed with certain amount of dependence. The exercises are designed to run on a single SQL server, however, you will gain more insight if you change the exercises with the two SQL Servers approach! It is a good idea to try this on your second time and not on the first time lab exercise especially for linked servers and replications testing.

Books On Line or BOL came with the SQL Server software. It is indispensable and free! The Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Technical Reference Library is a six volumes set BOL without the on line portion. I got a used copy from EBay for only $35. In the MSPress 70-228 exam book, many references were made to MSPress: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Administrators companion . It is very readable reference and a good item to add to your library. The only reason I did not pick up the book because I have too many DB reference books in my library. Next read the SAMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 unleashed. Make sure you load the sample data bases to practice your SQL commands and u tilities. You will find the reading at faster pace. Read the other books as you approaching the subject of your interest, such as stored procedure. You may pick up additional material on Data Transformation Services (DTS). If your Transact-SQL experience is light, consider to buy a copy of SAMS: Teach yourself Transact-SQL in 21 Days to get a more comprehensive hold on Transact-SQL. It is not a bad idea to start coding your own stored procedures and more esoteric Transact-SQL queries. Although you will not need a working knowledge of stored procedures and Transact-SQL for 70-228 exam, Youll need that skill for the 70-229 exam!

After you completed the intensive reading, go back and do the Readiness Review Exam in part 2 of MSPress 70-228 exam. I also used the Transcender exam as an additional practice source.

Here is some note I gathered during my study you may find it useful in your own preparation.

Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2000

Careful consideration and planning are required for your installation. It would be wise to have an installation plan and objectives in place. Not only used as documentation, but for performance tuning and disaster recovery later. Do you need fault tolerant for your installation? Can it be done with stand-by server, or cluster? What is the default collation, file locations, number of instance and service accounts in the setup?

How can you install SQL Server 2000 to co-exist with SQL 6.5 and SQL 7.0? What is the migration path?

What are net-libraries and their limitations? When do you need to use Multiprotocol instead of TCP/IP? How do you assign the proper rights for SQL Server Service and SQLAgentMail?

Can you execute your queries against your linked server(s) or formerly known as remote server(s)?

Creating SQL Server 2000 Databases

When you configure the databases pay attention to performance options such as disk capacity, network connectivity, and physical drive placement. One of key to database performance is the location of transaction log, primary and secondary file group. Youll be bombarded with many questions on this topic alone! What is the purpose of this database? Are they read-only or transactional?

SQL Server 2000 supports a number of methods to enforce data integrity; this includes data types, NOT NULL, DEFAULT definition, IDENTITY properties, constraints, rule, indexes, primary, foreign keys, and triggers. Make sure you know when to apply them. You will be test on these concepts in more detail later in exam 70-229.

Managing, Monitoring and Troubleshooting SQL server 2000 Databases

Monitor your database performance by using System Monitor, SQL Profiler and Enterprise Manager. What can you monitor using System Monito r vs SQL Profiler? Can you use both methods to monitor your SQL server? Do you know how to setup alerts so you will be notified?

Do you have a backup/recovery plan in place? Can you fully recover up to the time of failure? Can you recover the magical system state data?

Practice and rehearse your disaster recovery plan! Execute your DBCC CHECKDB, CHECKTABLE, SHOWCONTIG and other DBCC commands until you have them on your finger tips.

Do you know how to troubleshoot SQL transaction locking by using Transact-SQL, SQL Profiler or SQL Server Enterprise Manager?

Extracting and Transforming Data

When you setup IIS Virtual directories to support XML dont forget the security! Know how to export and import data by using Data Transformation Services (DTS), Bulk copy program, Bulk Insert and distributed queries.

Develop your schedule your DTS packages. When interacting with other SQL database or data source, be careful about the data type and precision , and collation.

Check the replication services! Know how to setup DTS using GUI is important but how about UDF?

Know your replication inside out. You must be fully comprehend snapshot, merge, and transactional replication without any hesitation!

Managing and Monitoring SQL Server 2000 Security

What is the difference between Windows Authentication and Mixed modes? Allowance must be made to clients connectivity (internal vs internet), Client operating system, security requirement and infrastructure.

How is spgrantlogin differs from spdbaccess?

How do you control your database access? Are you using server role, database, and application or user role to control security access? May be your application required more granular control by going into object permissions?

Can you audit your security setting by using SQL profiler or C2 Auditing. What will happen to your SQL Server if your audit log is full?

Managing, Monitoring and Troubl eshooting SQL Server 2000

How is your SQL server behaving? Notice any system bottlenecks in Disk I/O, network connectivity, memory, paging, and transactional throughput from your monitoring software?

What SQL transaction caused that system lockup? Does this problem stemmed from coding, database structure or programming logic? Perhaps, it is time to review that database schema and indexes!

Now, you can use your knowledge on DBCC INDEXDEFRAG, DBREINDEX, SHRINKDATABASE, and SHRINKFILE or modify that database schema or recode that Transact-SQL statement!

No doubt, the above note is just a tidbit and is far from complete. Exam 70-228 is one of enjoyable preparation I even did. It encompasses a fairly large territory involving Windows 2000 knowledge, IIS/XML, SQL database structure, and connectivity expertise. How involved will depend on your own personnel requirements. It is not an easy test! Please note that this exam required you have some hand on experi ence on the SQL Server 2000. So allocate sufficient time for study and lab exercises. Definitely, Ill not recommend this exam to be taken as a first MCSE test, youll struggle with server setup, MAPI profiles,..etc.

If you passed the test, it is only the beginning to the world of MS SQL, check some of the following web sites for additional SQL information:

MSDN SQL Server 2000
SQL Server Magazine
SQL Server Central

Hope you have established a good relation with MS SQL and start your journey on the right note!

Jason Barrett

Author:: Jason Barrett
Keywords:: Exam 70-228 Installing, Configuring, and Administrat ing MicroSoft SQL Server 2000, Enterprise Editio
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Lost in Silence (Final Chapter ((#30)) In: "The Cadaverous Planets")

Lost in Silence [Final Chapter in: The Cadaverous Planets

Chapter Thirty [30/ and Advance to Chapter 1-6 of SSARG

[Jokaneen: on Rotma, SSARGs planetoid like moon. When my daughter Siren left Moiromma, to SSARG, I was sure our telepathic powers we both seem to have, would remain strong between us; but to a certain degree they did: not remain strong, but remain they did; I was permitted somehow, someway to communicate with her, even envisage her, to a certain degree. And although I expected no to communicate at all, being so far outside the our known Galaxy, I was surprised, plus, after hearing about the planet she went to, I sure shed die quickly. Again I found myself surprised in that that I miscalculated her growth in both courage, and wit. I had heard it was the land of Grass, vipers and all sort of creatures unknown to this Galaxy. Although Earth has many of its legends, legends told sideways: meaning, they must had been here at one time: perhaps so, per haps notbut the legends seemed to connect somehow.

As you will may know by now, I died on planet earth; I mean in the vaults of Hell. But like a ghost I followed her through her mind: I was enwrapped into her mind, like smoked fish; that is a little harsh I suppose, in trying to connect the dotes, but you understand, it was a process of will, mind, an act of the Almighty, osmosis and I cant think of anything else, there I was, in her mind.

At this juncture, I was also familiar with her viper friend, Blaze. Then as you know, I ended up here, here on your planet, I mean moon Rotma, as you call it Yllim. And I can only get half the communication I want with her its all fragmented. Thus, Im come to the conclusion Im half here and half still in her mind.

Roliv, the King of Nay, a section of Rotma [the moon, was listening as she spoke to his son. She was a ghost, and he feared some, yet what can you do with a shadow he told himself, but listen. And she was taken to the Prince, so let her talk, and she did. The father was like a Homo erectus, hairy and bend a ting, long fingers and odd looking head, perturbing face, stubbed nose: big nostrils, and so forth and so on. The son was to the contrary: he was not too big, or as big as Siren, but build well; somewhat hairy, but not like his father, and he was more on the more advanced side of evolution, perhaps equal to the stone age personage of earth.

She had learned they were Rotma-lites, and Nay, occupied a large part of the moon they lived on. Said the general, general Lafos, in his robust voice, Make her a prisoner, to the king. The king looked at him, think But how, and the prince, simply said, wait, as if anyone had a choice.

At this juncture, many of the areas inhabitants came to listen to the new species that had shown up on their planetoid. A most interesting creature they thought. (The language barrier, it is always the language barrier that interrupts my stories: but believe me, I have traveled the world, and language, or not knowing the others, is not a big thing, not a stopper, not a hole in the ground: others, they can read your eyes, your body language, and Jokaneen, put sounds together faster than I can type this story, having said that, and putting all this together, we return). an interesting creature they thought.

Yes, oh yes, they were much intrigued, and did not want to give death to the woman who showed up in a mist form, a ghost form, one you could throw a rock through and it would most likely hit the king on the other side of her. Ghost she was, but a fine looking ghost, and Yllim had eyes for her and his heart was beating fast. And Rolivs long narrow head was thinking fast, faster than Yllims heart I think was beating. And the general was confused on what to do, so he remained alert, stationary: like a good soldier, and on guard.

If fathers have jealousy, then it must be measured by love also, I would expe ct, and jealousy was on Rolivs face, and love, but love can harbor anger, if only malesespecially on this planetoidknew how to get on the other side of anger which is hurt, it would reduce the friction, especially the friction the general, general Lafos was noticing in the Kings posture, his twitching, his face, his eyes. Yet he held back his aggression.

Aid Lafos [with a spectator smile: What other worlds are there besides our moon, and planet? then he hesitated, and she gave no answer, and then added harshly and with authority, She is a spy!

Said Yllim, But from where? If there are no other planets except SSARG and Rotma: Nay our home, then were? And if from SSARG, for what reasons? They do not want to live on Rotma, no more than we want to live on SSARG? No, general, you are wrong, she is stranded. Lafos, was a hairy beast man, lips as thick, eyes bulging out like a pineapples hanging lose on a tree, as if theyd fall out should someone bump him. But he look ed strong. The King was silent. Then Lafos left, and when he came back he had a vase like piece of pottery, sacred poetry, and unbreakable pottery, saved for such occasions, as Lafos felt the empire was in danger of evil sprits. And he threw some substance into the bonfire, that all were standing around, several soldiers about, and a magic smoke came from it, subdued the evil spirit, Jokaneen, and she seeped like a cloud into the top of the vase, and he plugged it with hard clay.

It happened so fast, all where taken by surprise, and of course, his excuse to the king was: it was his job to insure his safety, and he did have the ear of the king, even more so than the prince: not the love, but the security ear.

And there she remained for the moment. To Jokaneen it was back to Hells vaults, old memories coming back to her, she was reliving the tombs she was placed in, in Hell: it was mortification.

The fire glowed, flickered, and the Princes face grew Angrier and Angrier, and he stood up, grabbed the bottle and proclaimed his intentions: I am going to marry her, take her for my own.

The King looked at Lafos with an evil eye, it was worse than before, at least he had a son, now he was about to lose one to a ghost, and surely shed accept, knowing shed be returned perhaps to the bottle.

Said the King with a fair sounding voice: Lets take time to think about any proposals, and if you wish to marry her, my love for you will not out weigh my jealousy of her, you can marry; but it would seem a boring life, but than love is deeper than consummation, to pleasure or desire. Thus, we shall see, and I ask you give this thought in the following days, and then, then you can sit with me, and me alone and proclaim your heart, and if be it marriage, so be it.

The whole lot of people clapped, and bowed to the king, as they walked by him. Seldom did He come out and sit by a fire and talk freely with the civic people. But they s aw a fair king, a king that took heart before logic, especially with his own son.

Notes: an easier way of looking at this book of sorts [series and parts, which isnt a book yet, but in the makings is by way of its total sum: The Cadaverous Planets, come in four parts: Part 1: The Cadaverous Planets (written April, 2005 in Peru and Equator): Episodes 1 thru 26 (with 27 and 28 added in the near past: June, 2005) and 29 and 30 added at most recently, August and September, 2005)) Part 2: Project: Space Tomb, which has four Episodes, for a total of 34 (done in July and August of 2005). Part 3) Planet: SSARG [Planet of Grass with 19-Chapters (and interludes: added during the typing out of the story from napkins; this was done in April of 2004, making it the original, first of the four parts; and not yet called: part of The Cadaverous Planets); for total sum 53. And part four, The Cadaverous Planetoids, of which there are 34-Chapters (written in June of 2005, in Roseville, Minnesota) for at total sum of: 87 total: installments to the total sum of this four part series. Interludes were added in August and September of 2005. Rosa

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Chapter Story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

How to Win at Chess

This Article is intended for anyone that desires to improve his or her game of Chess. It is clearly not the aim of this Article to show you how to be the greatest Chess player in the world or how to get your rating over 2000. If you want to win at Chess just follow what I say in this letter and you will attain significant results.

First I suggest that you buy or borrow a book entitled A primer of Chess by Capablanca. It is my opinion that Capablanca (Capa) was the greatest Chess player in history. Read it three times cover to cover.

It is imperative that you gain control of the center of the board and keep it. If you do not the game is lost. Make sure that before you touch any piece that you look at the next move that each adjacent piece will make contingent on the piece that you move and where you move it. No one can keep their eye and mind all over the board. If you try you will expend too much energy and grow tired by trying to second guess all of your oppon ents moves. Focus on the next move and its impact on adjacent pieces.

As you bring out your pieces (pawns are not pieces) make sure that you only move the piece once. Make sure that every move you make is a single move for each piece until all the pieces are out, and then castle. Try and have all of the piece out and castled by the eighth move and no later than the tenth. If this is the only piece of advice that you heed you will find that your game performance will be up 50%.

Now when it comes to taKing pieces always go for the exchange. The rule is exchange knights first then bishops. This is the reason why and few people ever explain this. Knights are at their best when the board is filled with pawns and pieces because it is oafish in movement. It is extremely clumsy and awkward but on a cluttere d board its power is greater than that of a Queen! (See The Immortal a Chess game played in 1851 by Adolf Anderssen where he sacrifices his Queen in order to secure checkmate with a knight!) No other piece has the ability to jump over pieces like the knight does. It is this unique quality that makes the knight most effective during the stArt of the game, when the board is cluttered. As the board clears and it becomes open the knights lose their power in proportion to the bishops gaining. That is why bishops are valued more, because they are used later in the game. It is impossible to escape the wrath of the bishops on an open board; they are like ray guns perpetually shooting at you.

When the chance comes to exchange pieces do so and of course take any stray piece that is offered to you. Your goal is to clear the board so that you can march the pawns. That is the true secret to the game of Chess.

The King and pawns are what the game of Chess is all about not the pieces, however, everyone else thinks just the oppositely. Most people do not care if they lose a pawn or two, as long as they have their piece. This is where you can gain tremendous ground. Let your opponent exchange and when he or she does try and make the exchange move so that the pawn is moved closer to the center of the board. Also, try and prevent the pawns from doubling up (stacked) this may cost you the game.

When you can, try and exchange the Queens. Almost everyone hates to exchange their Queen but do it. It is in your favor because your opponent feels weaker (and there is no substance to support that) and you can then more quickly with the advancement of your pawns.

Now is the time to close in on your win. Move your King close to the middle pawns and keep the King in front of the pawns. Do not let the opponent's King get in front of your advancing pawns. This is especially true if there is only one pawn and it is yours. If the opponent's King is ever able to get in front of your single pawn and it is near the center of the board your will not win. Keep the King at the center and in front of your pawns at all times.

Finally, as you advance your pawns make sure that the squares that are adjacent to your King's are always three in a row. In other works the side of the King take 3 spaces and the other King is not able to approach those spots. Use that space as an aisle to advance your pawn to Queen. Your opponent wi ll have no ability to stop the Queening of your pawn.

Warning. It is always advisable after you have Queened your pawn to keep checKing your opponent's King as you move in on the mate because often the game ends up as a stale mate due to your opponent's King not being able to move and yet not being in check. This is a very common mistake.

With this advise you will find that your game is much improved. Enjoy.

I was born and raised on the south side of Chicago in Hyde Park Township, near the University of Chicago. As I child I was always drawing and Painting. My father owned an Art supply company, Favor Ruhl & Watson, where I was able to get all that I need to progress in my work.

I have always enjoyed portraiture and landscape. In High School (Naperville Central High School) I took Drafting from Mr. Pierce. I quickly grasped the principles of perspective and hence made a career with both Fine Art and Architectural Renderings.

In the mid 1970's I had joined the US Navy and was stationed on the USS Midway, CV-41. The Midway was home ported in Yokosuka, Japan (A suburb of Tokyo). While in service we traveled all over Asia including such countries as Korea, China, Philipines, Singapore, Pakistan, Hong Kong, and Japan.

While in Japan I learned Japanese. I speak German and Spanish as well.

I am a lover of Philosophy and Opera. I admire the works of Immanuel Kant and Fredrich Nietzsche. In music I admire the wo rks of MozArt and Wagner.

Author:: Stephen Condren
Keywords:: Chicago Art Galleries, Art, Painting, Chess, Queen, King
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Connecting the Dots of the Paranormal: Little People and Fairies

Whatever our current, modern thought on Little People and Fairies, the fact legends and stories exist of them in cultures around the world is hard to dispute. No other area is a attached to these creatures as England, Ireland, and Scotland possessing some amazing stories of these beings. Sightings of Little People and Fairies continue to this day, and perhaps even some of our modern sightings of things we don't understand could be this phenomena as well. Here an example of a recent sighting from the book Fairies: Real Encounters With Little People by Janet Bord:

Quite recently, probably in the early 1990s, fifteen-year-old Brian Collins was on holiday in the Aran Islands off west Donegal. While out walking early one morning he saw two little men fishing from a bank overlooking the sea. They were about 3 and a half feet tall, dressed in green with brown boots. One had a grey beard and a flat hat. They were laughing and talking in Irish, and suddenly they jumped over t he bank. When Brian went to look for them, they had gone, but they had left a pipe behind. He took it back to the house where he was staying, but while there dissappeared from a locked drawer. When Brian saw the little men again, he tried to photograph them and tape-record their conversation, but nothing came out.

The point of the modern day sighting is to really show these events still happen. Fairies vary in size, shape and appearance, but when seen the person involved in the sighting is aware of what they're looking at. As the above sighting shows our movie and storybooks depicting these beings as small, sometimes bearded, and commonly dressed in green or brown may be based on sightings and reports of them. The classic book The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies by Reverend Robert Kirk details the life and culture of these beings. It was believed he got his information from local folklore and tales where he grew up in Aberfoyle, Scotland. A diary of hi s has since been found directly regarding this subject matter called The Secret Lives of Elves and Fairies; From The Private Journal of The Reverend Robert Kirk where, if you can believe it, he says he conversed and visited these beings where they dwell in the Fairy Realm.

Kirk is not the only person who has claimed to have gone where these beings live. He called it The Lands Beneath and said the Fairies lived inside the Earth. In the sightings and stories I've read through there seems to be at least a few where people report two different things, or call them different things, but may be the same phenomena. A common one over time is the nature spirit. In the eyes of the witnesses the beings share a lot of smilarities. But can we trust our eyes with this area of the Paranormal?

Both of the above books suggest that Fairies, or some races of them, can shapeshift. They sometimes use what's called glamor to change their appearance, perhaps letting us see what we thin k we should be seeing. This is also a common believe in Fairy lore and seems to be lending itself to modern studies and researchers trying their best to define something that may not be definable and simply look how our mind tells us it should look. Over the centuries many common threads can be found with these beings, glamor and shapeshifting are among them. People seeing them dissappear into thin air is also concurrent with lots of sightings.

The very nature of these beings makes proving their existence next to impossible. Do we really have to prove if they exist or not to get the bottom of other things though? We already have mountains of information on them going back the last few hundred years. It may be time to use the fantastic to help provide clues and missing pieces to other areas of the fantastic. Other cultures besides the Scottish and Irish thought them to be fact, such as the Cherokee Indians designating a name for them. Perhaps Little People and Fairies s hould be filed under Cryptozoology to make things a little simpler. A couple Fairy beliefs and abilities seen and reported by these creatures overlap with other areas of the Paranormal.

I don't know what the entire picture of this is supposed to look like, but I hope I'm not the only one looking. In this area one sometimes has to stretch their beliefs and believe for a second something might be possible. Fact is often stranger than things fiction could dream up. Maybe you really did see a small being in the corner of your eye.

Robert Kreuk is owner of The Future Sight Metaphysical Bookstore. See our selection of books and ebooks aimed at conneting the dots to the Paranormal.

Author:: Robert Kreuk
Keywords:: little people, Paranormal, Elves, Fairies, Faery, Fairy, Faeries, robert kirk, Dwarves, Pygmies
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

7 Options to Make Money Online

The Internet is full of Scam about making Money online. Our own experience shows that you can make Money online and you have 7 options that are real. You have to understand your capabilities to make Money online.

Making Money online is possible even if you are a simple Internet user or surfer. For instance, Filling Surveys online does not pay much, but you still can make Money ranging from $5-75 per survey. Trading stocks or foreign exchange requires a capital and some financial background.

Data entry Jobs or even reading emails pays as well. Building a Website makes Money ranging from $10 to $5000 per month. Going to daily job can pay from $1000 to $20,000 per month.

It all depends on you to make Money online. Your skills, how hard you want to work, your education, and your background will set your course to make the Money you deserve.

Here are some options to help you start making Money online. Starting with the simple ones first that makes litt le Money and ascending to the one that requires most dedication:

1- Filling Surveys Online (Simple, No Capital required)

2- Data Entry Online (Simple, No Capital required)

3- Trade Stocks online (Easy to Do, Require some capital to start and lots of luck)

4- Trade Foreign Exchange online (Specialised, Requires capital to start and knowledge to win)

5- Build a Website online (Easy if you have the will, requires $10-25 a month and authoring time)

6- Find a Job that suits your skills. Find this online, but you report to it daily!

7- Start your own business from home.

The author shares her experience of making Money online on It proves the case that no financial experience is required.

Author:: Hala Am
Keywords:: Money,Website,Surveys,Jobs,Emplyment
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lady with the Third Eye 1995

Lady with the Third Eye:
[The Fox-Fairy-Oni: Demon

[A dream-vision from 1/10/01

Prologue: Things come back to you to haunt you; some times tell you what must be done; exposed--I think this is one of those times; it really took place in l995; written in 2001, and rewritten 8/2005.

I think this short story might need a beginning, one that can introduce you to one of the characters you will meet in a moment; in this case, a double demon of sorts, I think. You do know they are as plentiful as household pets throughout the world, but believe me, I wouldnt think of them in that term. Demons can be human and beast, or human, beast and spirit, the combinations can differ widely. This demon I am about to share my experience with you about, can shape-shift, or as some may say shape-change, both meaning the same. She is actually two kinds of demonic beings, in one: a Fox Fairy and an Oni; and again I add: I think. Their origins are from Japan and China, respectively, and both countries I have visited. No dont get me wrong, Im not a demon hunter, nor do I have second sight, that I know of, close to it thoughwhen exercised, but I just want to share a dream-vision with you, for the heck of it.

I am not the best artist in town, but I did draw a picture of the being I met, or tried to. The female Fox Fairy has an affinity for scholars, virtuous humans, and loves to seduce them if she can; wanting the essence of the sex, she/or they are cleaver, and invisible, but can materialize, and this one had a third eye, and all of the above.

Now the Oni demon has a flat face, 3rd eye also, large mouth [ear to ear usually; and can walk and fly. They seem to be around when disaster strikes, or so Ive noticed. And they can manifest as a dark cloud if need be. They seem to have excessive body needs. Shocking them can be a good way to escape them, if you ever get entangled with them, and now for the story:

she [she being: t he Lady with the third-eye sat in a chair, seemingly comfortable, long red stringy hair, sparse in sections on her head, down to her shoulders, where it seemed somewhat braded, or snarled. Her expressions seemed friendly, calm, if not kind. Her look was as different as a Picasso is to a Rembrandt. Her body didnt seem to move in the sofa chair stone-still you might say. She was waiting for someone, something. We were both waiting for a name, I think (maybe I wasnt), in this basement office, where there was a huge bay window.

Her head was twice the size of a normal head; and Her ears larger then normal. She had three-eyes; two eyes were quite low on her face it seemed, more so than the upper third one, above her eye brows, center of her forehead. It left a bone mark on its right side as a perturbing socket. This third eye was 90% white, the upper part dark. She had a long mouth, crossing almost her whole face: as I said before, she looked to have the makings of t wo different demonic species. Her chin was one large bulge as the front of her face molded into it, as loose skin. Her forehead and hairline was not receding at all. She actually had a small forehead compared to the rest of her head.

Who was she I asked myself. I was waiting in the basement room as I mentioned, for the same person I expect, the same person she was I believe. Business, it was all business for me; perhaps this was a business deal. I sat to the left of her a few feet away though. How did I get there, I dont know. The question never came up at the time; it didnt dawn on me to evaluate it, it was actually somewhat normal to be there; so it seemed.

When she talked she only said a few words, slowly, quite brief. I could then tell she was a female. What speciesagain I sayI dont know for sure, I say demon, perhaps alienbut that in itself can put her back into the demonic category of many. As I have in the beginning of this story inferred, I have tried to classify her in the demonic catalogue of species, of which I know of, but I could be wrong. I suppose it is like trying to classify a disorder; you need time to get a proper analysis of it; which I did not have. Her chin moved more than her other facial parts.

I asked myself, Where did she come from? as I tried not to gawk, I then heard the Doctor [PhD-type, and he was not a medical doctor. He called down the stairway:

Are you still interested in buying? he says. I couldnt quite understand the rest of what he mumbled, but that was clear.

She replied:

Yes, Im still

I smiled. But why was I here I asked myself again; I say again, because I had asked myself a half dozen times that question as I had sat their somewhat mute. I felt he [the Doctor was in some kind of dilemma [my so called partial second sight kicking in I think; he wanting to leave town as soon as possible.

I own (this story being ten years ago; now being 8/2005, so I must say: I owned, for I do not anymore) a little business, rental property, and occasionally I buy and sell houses (again, this was true). But I didnt get the idea I was part of this business transaction. And this all seemed at the time, quite real. If not real, set up in my half awaking world for me to devour and play with later, and play it out now, or then.

I didnt get to see her feet or any thing beyond the drift of her chin onto her breast area, for the most part. Maybe because it startled me a little as I tried to take in the whole picture of what was going on, and things did not go fast, they were calm and slow, and it allowed me to adjust.

Her lips were thin, and she had several deep wrinkles in her forehead when she showed emotion. She turned to me only slightly, and said briefly (I was trying to show I was not startled I think, praying for strength). To repeat myself, I do believe she was there for an investmentperhaps it was the Doctor, her invest ment. For myself, I was well off at this juncture of my life and dream, which was several months ago for I am rewritng this story 8/2005 [2001. I have since used up most of my investments. Could this be a connection I asked myself? Again, I was not buying. Or maybe I should be, I ask myself. Whatever I was doing, or suppose to do, I was present, and not running away.

As I looked at her again, she was as calm as the day was long. I told myself, her third eye sees all, or nothing. I also believe she was very old, older than written time. Older than one would believe if told. She was not interested in me per se, snoopy perhaps.

I sensed somewhat she might know me; or knew of me. She didnt stare at meas I did herfor she evidently know who I was, but again not how I got to this plateau. But yet, I felt I belonged there, and didnt do any challenges, but belonged there only as a witness; Sometimes people do challenge such spirits, and it can be a bad scene (whic h is another story in the l970s, and a lesion learned),

The doctor never did appear again, he was present I think, he was like just not seen; a vision that could not materialize again, or wanted to; his time in the vision-dream was for the most part over. Evidently I had witnessed what I wanted to witness, or was allowed to.

As I sat there, I noticed water, outside the bay window, and I wanted to go to it, but I resisted, and remained stationary for the time being. Something inside me told me, thered be time for that laterif truly, that is what I wanted (I now know: Birth or Water, Mother and Child, my mother died 7/2003 ((18-months later; she lived with me)); I was present for it all.

As I turned around I heard a noise, and then turned back to the woman. She was gone. And so was he: the doctor, I thought he was gone before, but no, evidently not quite, not completely, he was now though. He was in a hurry it seemed while I was there; gone because I knew s omehow of, something, lets call it the character of things. She was simply waiting.

An Eccentric Epitaph: I do believe I know the dynamics of this, now that time has gone by. She was the demon; the one following him, the doctor. This doctor, got a divorce, was a teacher, raped his daughter, for the lust of sex; and took off to a far off island in the South Pacific many years ago. I knew him briefly. Disaster had hit him in a number of ways. She was following him.

First of all, the Doctor, He was playing around in the magic area; I was their to witness it only briefly, and my mind kept in focus of my mother, as she was ill during those last days, and I was concerned about her. The water is birth, for she had a rebirth I am sure of. The other soul was being tracked, and I just happened to step in on the tracking: pending doors to the nether-world. His house was never sold at the time he took off to the South Pacific and maybe camelback to sell it. Im not sure of this, but the house had to be sold one way or another as I said, I knew him briefly, no real friend of mine; Ive known a lot of folks briefly, only to find out, how close they are to the elements of the other world; and in what capacity.

This has happened before; once when my mother wanted to know who was hiding outside her door the night before, she asked me who it was? I then closed my eyes, had a vision, seen the person and told her who it was; she confronted that person, and he admitted it was him.

This particular demon who seems to have two demonic-parts to her make up, is quite known for her sexual prowl, and maybe uses her cleverness when a person becomes vulnerable (and is after this Doctor friend of mine, so called friend: no, not really a friend. I reported him for the rape, and his daughter stuck up for him, so hed not go to jail; oh well, that was that).

The question remains why was I allowed to see all this? Maybe it is a warning; not sure , but now you are reading it, and perhaps that is all that can be done. We all get warnings, we just dont see or hear them, or heed them.

I suppose I can say, I was glad I was there for my mother; and glad to see a demon was chasing the man that got away with the rape, for surely the third eyed demon with have her play and laughs from what Ive seen.

Dennis Siluk, you can see his worldwide web site and travel around the world by checking out his many travels.

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Short Story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

UFO: Keeping the Human Gnome off Mars

Last night I was perusing: because Mars is on a close approach to earth and lots of amateur astronomers are out in their back yards snapping pics.

I misplaced my camera, so there was no use getting out my telescope from the shelf in the garage. I decided I could get a close look at the planet by looking at the pics at the above site.

Looking at my choices from the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Image Gallery, I chose MOC Narrow-Angle Image Gallery: Mars Chart 03: Arcadia.

The reason was that I spotted a colony of some kind on Mars! I didnt know if it was a human colony or not, so I decided to zoom in closer. I still couldnt tell. Thats when Xrytspet from Fanton in G10009845788899990766 popped in.

Xrytspet said, I see that is the gallery arranged by Mars Chart, the 1:5,000,000 series of maps produced by the U. S. Geological Survey.

I said, You can read, Xrytspet!

She wiggled her ea rs and said, What are you so puffed up about?

Scram, Xrytspet!

She sat on my lap. Weve got a little job for you.

I said, Will you get off my lap. My wife is in the other room knitting Christmas socks 30, 31, 32 for our new triplets and 33 for our new great granddaughter. She could come in here at any time.

Not likely in this decade, said Xrytspet.

What do you want? I said.

Your presence at that colony you discovered on Mars.

Im not going to Mars, Xrytspet. Its a hostile place not fit for humans. Giant sand storms

Oh, dont be such a fizzpooper! It could be fun!

I said, It seems that your idea of fun and mine are not the same. Giving me that Phendroop from your Phendroop dispenser in the desert was not my idea of fun!

I didnt force it on you, did I?

No, but you could have told me it was a space-age enema in pill form.

I though it was funny, hearing all that rumbling in your gut and then seeing you flying a cross the desert to find a spot where

(For those who missed it, go to the article UFO: How I met Xrytspet.)

I said, Enough, Xrytspet!

She hugged me and said, The Fnl7 Time Craft. is on the lawn. Lets go!

I said, You go on your wild goose chase. Im staying right here.

Of course with Xrytspet, you have no choice in such matters. On the way she told me that she had been assigned to be Chair of the Keeping the Human Gnome off Mars Committee.

I said, And you are taking me to Mars!

Its a risk, she said. But if we dont show the Martians what you look and smell like, they wont know that the Human Gnome must be kept off Mars and out of space.

I said, The reason we humans must be kept out of space is that we act mostly like crocodiles.

She said, The reason you must be kept out of space is that you cant keep your runny noses out of other creatures business. Besides, you are loaded with disease.

I said, The reason we must kee p humans out of space is that we corrupt all the space we occupy.

She said, The reason we must keep your gnome out of space is that you poop too much.

I said, The reason we must keep humans out of space is

Xrytspet said, Were here!

It was a village!

We dropped into what looked like a bakery hoping for a snack after our long-distant, short-time journey. There was no one there but the ovens were still warm and there were square donuts with square holes on the counter. We ate seventeen of these and I left a five-dollar bill on the counter.

Xrytspet said, Save your money. There is no life here!

I said, What about the warm donuts?

She said, You looked hungry. I decided to give you an allusion.

I said, If it was an allusion, then why is my tummy full?

She answered, So it wasnt an illusion, but Ive got some very bad news for you and the United States of America.

I said, The Fnl7 Time Craft. is out of pumpkin seeds an d we cant get back to earth.

She said, The Fnl7 Time Craft. is fueled by the Xempler B29BS19444322 Particle Beam Double Thrust Engine. It can use grains of wheat as fuel if it has to.

So, whats the bad news other than I have to be here on Mars with you instead of Paris Hilton?

She said, Now you and Paris Hilton! That would be a brain trust!

I said, I was just being facetious.

She said, See that plaque over there?

I said, I didnt notice it until now. But I cant read it. I only know , , and .

Xrytspet translated the plaque for me. It said:

From January 17 to June 14, 1969 the 17-man crew of indoctrinated the residents of this site to the Soviet Plan. One of these residents will be placed on public display in the Huge Mammal Exhibit at the Moscow Zoo. The crew was anxious to watch the first moon landing by the United States on July 20, 1969. They hurried home to see it.

Xrytspet said, There could be an old Russian or two around here.

I said, Why?

She said, Well, the had a 15-man crew. Some c would have had to be left behind because there would be

Not room!

That is what I said.

Thats when this shaggy old man came down the street. He had an ugly look on his face and did not say !

Xrytspet said, We dont have room for him either!

As we scampered to the Fnl7 Time Craft., I said, !

The End

copyrightJohn T. Jones, Ph.D. 2005

John T. Jones, Ph.D. ( a retired R&D engineer and VP of a Fortune 500 company. He is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering), poetry, etc. Former editor of international trade magazine. Jones is Executive Representative of International Wealth Success. More info: Business web site: (IWS wealth-success books and kits and business newsletters / TopFlight flagpoles)

Author:: John T Jones, Ph.D.
Keywords:: UFO, Paris Hilton, Mars, moon landing, space creature, Cosmonauts, Mars landing, NASA, Humor
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First Knockout: Chick and Snipes Part II Donkeyland Cayuga Street Gang 1960

I really couldnt say, myself, but what I remember was we all stopped playing the baseball game and walked over to the new kid standing somewhat in the way of the players; he had moved in by Brandts house, called Snipes. He had a gray tea shirt on (muscle man shirt on), looked pressed even, clean. We were all dirty, and he looked too clean for us.

Anytime anyone of you guys want to fight me, Im ready, he said, I noticed a smirk on his face, and he looked ready, but he looked as if he was going to walk away, so everyone walked over to him and started saying: me, me, let me, meeehave him!

Jack, my close friend wanted to fight him bad, and he was always hyper, and he was real comfortable with the idea at first. The train of guys (or so it seemed), all were standing in that empty lot around him now, Indians Hill in the background of us: everyone was gambling for the right to beat his ass now.

Jack said, Let me kick his f*cken ass (Jack swore a lot), and the k id put up his fists and was ready to go, they only stopped because one of the other guys wanted him. Doug, and Roger, Larry (the tough guy of the neighborhood) and a few others and me all wanted him, but Larry was to big for the guy, and much older, and would have killed him, so he knew he couldnt afford to tangle with him.

Now there was a circle around him, and he stood quietly, stone-still, as everyone wagered for the right to fight him, punch him out, every body wanted the right to punch him out, and I looked, just stared at him. I had been weight lifting, had several fights before, but was no tough guy, not like Larry anyhow, but was getting a reputationsomewhat.

Cant I have him, I said, and everyone looked at me, I mean everyone, and they looked at one another, and Snipes looked at me, and he shook his head ok, as if it was ok for me to fight him, and when he did, I grabbed him and threw him on the ground, and I never stopped punching his face-in until some one grabbed me off of him (I think Jack): lest I make him hamburger. I suppose I was waiting to show the boys what I was made out of; this was a chance, perchance I was thinking that, I dont know; theyll tell me later how I was, I told myself. But I had lost control somehow, a light went off in my head, I didnt like that, it was dull youth telling me to fight I suppose, but I had won the fight, light on or off it didnt matter, to win was the main thing. But was it unfair? I mean I jumped the gun; didnt give him a chance. But I didnt look at the Golden Glove Rules, none of us did, I just punched, grabbed, and I didnt squander any time in the process.

It was a few weeks later Snipes came to my house, asked me if I wanted to fight him again, since I did not give him a chance. I said Id care to fight him, but I really didnt care not to either, I wasnt mad (and I knew I had to be mad, or take a few punches to get me made first, then I could fight). He said in his own wa y: Im not afraid of you; not sure if I can beat you, your pretty strong, but Im fast with my fists, and didnt get a chance to use them, but if youd rather leave it alone, I can but I need an apology for taking advantage of the moment. I said, sure, Im sorry, but thats the way I fight I suppose. Evidently he needed prep time; I needed to get mad time. I got to liking Snipes, but he suggested we stay a distance away from each other, lest someone get mad, and he didnt want his family to provoke anything if I went around his house. I accommodated him, why not, it saved his pride, and who knows, I might have lost the second fight.

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Short Story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

What is a Comic Book Price Guide?

A comic book price guide is a great tool for determining what your comic books are estimated to be worth in the market today. The going worth of individual comic books can range all over the board. Some issues have been known to carry a value of six figures, while other issues aren't even worth the price you paid for them. A comic book price guide can go a long way in helping you determine this kind of information.

Action Comics #1 (the introduction of Superman) in mint condition has been quoted at being worth $650,000. A pretty tidy piece of change. Then Weird Science, issue #13, in near mint condition can command a respectable price tag of $5,750. There are also multitudes of back issues purchased at a newsstand price of around 5 bucks, that are now worth even less than that.

The ability to determine the actual value of individual collections is not an easy task or one to be taken lightly. Comic book pricing is a highly perceived value and will vary quite gre atly, depending on which opinion and which comic book price guide you choose to follow. By all means, if there is a reputable comic book dealer in your local area that you are comfortable dealing with, get his or her opinion. But in all my research so far, it seems that The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide is the bible of most active comic book collectors.

I have my copy in electronic format, reachable from my desktop. It is very handy. If you truly want to understand what your magazines are worth, the first thing you need to do is to determine the physical condition of each comic book. Is it raggedy ass poor with pages missing and in need of a paper clip to hold it together? Or has it never been opened since being purchased and appears to be in mint condition? Even brand new comic books may not make the grade of mint or perfect condition.

The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide gives a very detailed description of all the grades and sub-grades used in the 0.5 to 10.0 scale. This grading system is generally accepted by all comic book aficionados. If you follow Overstreet's physical condition explanations and grading scale, you will get a pretty good feel for the conditions of your own collection.

The next step in your comic book pricing exercise is to then go through the myriad of pages in the comic book price guide to find your particular issues. Along with your now determined physical and grade co nditions, you can find your issue's current assumed value.

The comic book price guide also has tips on collecting, preserving and storing your comic books. And it defines the various ages (Golden Age, Silver Age, etc.) that comic book history has moved through.

I guess if I had to mention a drawback to this guide, it would be the fact that there is soo much information to go through, it could take you quit a while to devour the whole book. Once you get well acquainted and comfortable with the comic book price guide though, you could consider yourself an expert in your own right and help your friends out with their collecting and comic book pricing questions.

I do believe this guide to be an invaluable and inexpensive resource to have and I don't think you will be disappointed with it. Heritage Comics seems to be the top dog for delivering an electronic version of a comic book price guide. You can visit Heritage at http://www.comic-book-collection-made-easy .com/CBPG to learn more about the guide.

While you are there, you may want to surf around Heritage's site. There are some very interesting subjects there. They also have on of the biggest on line comic book auctions on the Net. If you have never seen Heritage Comics' site before and you really enjoy it, just remember where you heard about it at (ha, ha).

Of course if you would rather have a hard copy of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, I am sure your local comic book store would have a copy and I hope this little review has helped you with your pricing questions.

If you are serious at all about the monetary worth of your comic book collection, then a comic book price guide is a valuable tool to have. There are several available and even a few for free. But if you want some o f the most relevant and up to date data, then the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide has developed a superior reputation over the past 30 years.

Dave Gieber owns and edits a website built around one of his childhood passions. Learn the basic essentials to comic book collecting success. To receive your free 5-part mini course visit: Comic Book Price Guide!

Author:: Dave Gieber
Keywords:: comic book price guide,comic book pricing,Overstreet,comic book collecting,comic books
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

African Art for Sale

Africa is a land of various traditions and cultures. It consists of many small towns and villages with inhabitants belonging to different tribes and clans. Moreover, since it is a traditional land, many arts evolve due to the cultural and regional variations. The inhabitants, who are mostly poor, create art and sell it for a living. This is one of the reasons why we see many African art works for sale.

African arts for sale may be in the form of masks, pottery, sculpture, knives, spears, hats or breathtaking jewelry. They are made of materials that are locally available like wood, or they may be made of expensive material like bronze, gold, ivory etc. Although there are many pieces of art that fetch a good price, the manner in which African art is kept for sale is important.

African art is usually sold at local bazaars within the country to tourist on vacation. They are also available in antique stores all over the world. Moreover, the artists who make these pi eces also have their own shops and outlets to sell their art.

Today, to make people aware of different cultures and traditions prevalent in Africa, the Ministry of Tourism and the Government that sell African Art sponsor many museums and art galleries. In this way, not only do they help the economic development of African inhabitants, but they also spread a sense of public appreciation for African art.

Due to the fast growth of technology, African art can be sold through the Internet too. The sellers have their own websites through which they operate, allowing viewing and purchasing in just a short time.

African Art provides detailed information on African Art, African Tribal Art, African Wildlife Art, African American Art and more. African Art is affiliated with Abstract Art Paintings.

Author:: Jason Gluckman
Keywords:: African Art, African Tribal Art, African Wildlife Art, African American Art
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Monday, June 27, 2011

A Prayer for Hell Chapters 10: The Walls and 11: Huwawa )

She was not going to be fooled, no, oh no, not again, she was not. She would have liked to have pulled out the teeth, or better yet, fingernails of the two zombies that tricked her, along with the tall man. But it would be a long ever-after, so it was best left alone, she figured. Again she noticed the two assistants to the Henchman spiting gobs of slime on the new-comers. What an awful entertaining dilemma, should you just stand up there and do nothing it might be worse though, so was her thinking. New hell bound figures, shapes; strangers were coming in by the truck loads she deciphered. Every hour on the hour, throughout the night and day this was happening.

She stood there looking at the gates, the two huge wooden and iron gates: and the two robust solders, that is to say, one being a little on the fat side the other being muscular but with a little head in comparison to his body, with kind of a big ass: these demonic beings looking over the wall by the tower , the tower that was attached to the walkway of the wall, some twenty feet thick. It reminded her of the Great Wall of China, with its towers in-between sections. She now had felt relief, at least in the gizzard, as if an arrow had lodged itself in it, or bullet, and she had just passed it on through, and up and out of her throat, and coughed it up and out: for in comparison to the mass, the heap beyond the gate city, this was a jewel in the raw.

She remained standing for awhile, like a lost being, a whole lot of lost I suppose you could say, like being on the dock of San Francisco looking out towards the Golden Gate Bridge, where once she lived, before moving to St. Paul, Minnesota. But here was not San Francisco by far, it was what it was, no place on the surface of the globe could have described this place. Thus, shed remained a mental piece or ornamentin a dark infested gulag of a wonderland: watching the new, strangers come in, no one ever leaving except the de monic forcesand like it had happened to her, they: the new ones, were switched away to the masses or beyond.


This entirety, all that was in front of her, all that dragged behind her in her new frame of mind was no longer suppressed: there was no way, she indigently mumbled: no way to get used to this: she was no longer in pretense, or disbelief, she was in reality, but with some kind of raw hope, hope that leaves one once, denial is settled as an issue.

The view of the harbor was right outside the gate, right over the wall, she could see it as she also witnessed a colossal size being within its waters, they called him Huwawa, he was the, the guardian of the river, he walked up and down the wharf area, and out into some of the deeper waters, for he was huge, as huge as any five men possible more. Thus, if he saw a body-spirit trying to get away, hed pick it up, and throw it in a nearby boat. Oh yes, some jumped the boat trying to get away, scoot to n ever-never land, to sink to the bottom of the riversink so no one could find them, even hide in the rock structures, but they floated back up sooner or later, that also was no place to be for eternity; but it was not the boatmans job to race after them either, yet hed do so if he was bored.

They simply would drown a million times in the waterit was painful hiding in the depths of the water, painful in their forms, and Huwawa would eventually find them. Huwawa had a face twisted in coil form, or so it seemed to Ms Alexandra Rice as she stared from a distance at this ancient creature of sorts. Surely she completed, from the top of the wall one would have a better view, that being, by the tower gate which was attached to the gates and the wall walkway: yes, she mumbled, it would be sensational: but if she was to get, get used to it here, she might as well start somewhere up on the wall, which seemed plausible.

Said she to the wall guards, Buer and Gusoyn [Gusoyn, somewhat feministic, strong looking and with strange ancient hawk feet, gay as gay could be,

If Im to get used to this horrid place, is it not better I do it from up here? I mean if you do not object.

She thought that sounded like a rational question, but nothing was really rational around the dark prison under the earth, in the earths crust, someplace, where cold and heat live close to one another, and have their own separated chambers for the dying, or no one is ever dead down here, only constantly dying. Buer, grunted with un-vivacious sounds, the one who played the nasty joke on her. Both guards looked at one another: strangely, rowdily, eccentrically as if to say: were too busy to throw you off a hundred times a day, so do as you please or at least to a certain degree.

Said Gusoyn, Sure, no more was said, a man of few words.

As she peered over the wall onto the people coming out from the boats: looking at all the ferry-boats [although they we re not ferryboats, rather passenger row boats, some sail boats, others vessels of different kind. The boots were coming in all directions to the many nooks and corners of the harbor. One boat she noticed got so close to another it hit the other boat, and broke the nose of the demon who raged with obscenities at the two passengers in the boat, with spite and slobbering spit flying on everyone, every-which-way; thus, accidents do happen, even in Hell.

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Short Story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

A Bawdy House Gets Saved

When the fire broke out in Pat Logans saloon in the unkempt mining camp first known as St. Louis, the Missouri miners rushed from all directions to douse the blaze. Men in St. Louis loved a fire, for kegs of beer were placed at strategic locations to squelch the thirst that accompanied the fighting of a fire. Fighting fire became a pleasure and the men became more enthusiastic with each drink.

It was at the height of such a fire in the St. Louis gold camp that someone remembered that Madame Touvounties and her bawdyhouse lay in the path of the fire.

The firemen simply could not bear to see Madame Touvounties and her lovely girls put out of business. The men in the camp considered Madame Touvounties establishment as irreplaceable. It was as much of an asset to the community as the bank and the hardware store.

When the firemen realized time was growing short, they knew they must take action, and do it quickly. Filling and quickly emptying their beer mugs, the firemen settled on a solution. The volunteers converged on Madame Touvounties establishment and formed muscular lines on each side of the building.

At a barked signal, the firemen picked up the building and carried it safely away from the advancing flames. Madame Touvounties and her girls were properly impressed and promised special privileges once the fire was out.

Some say those special privileges never actually materialized, but the firemen reasoned that it was the thought that counted.

There were other incidents that caused the gold camp called St. Louis some notoriety. The gold camp was first called Sears Diggings, after a sea captain by the name of Sears. Captain Sears had brought a ship with passengers to San Francisco in 1850, when the California Gold Rush was still in its heyday.

Captain Sears immediately joined the throng of passengers headed for the gold fields, leaving his craft to rot in the mud flats of Yerba Buena (San Francis co).

Sears was as much of a greenhorn at gold mining as the majority of others who rushed headstrong to the gold fields. While in Nevada City, Sears heard a man known as Crazy Stoddard tell a wild-eyed tale of having discovered a lake of gold, but was chased away by a band of warlike Indians.

An expedition was organized to follow Stoddard back to his fabulous discovery. Sears decided to trail along. The expedition was soon abandoned, as the miners accompanying Stoddard grew disgusted with the venture when no such lake of gold appeared.

Sears began walking back alone to the Yuba. He wandered onto a ridge that now bears his name. He decided to search for gold at Slate Creek. He quickly found color in considerable quantity.

After harvesting several ounces, his mistake was letting his friends in on his find. These friends couldnt help but blare the information of Sears find up and down the river. It wasnt long before all the visible gold and all the easy pickings were gone. The friends that Sears had invited were as incompetent at truly prospecting, as was Sears. None of them had learned the basic rudiments of placer mining.

One member of the group was a surly man named Gibson, who had a reputation as a loud mouth, a man of questionable ethics, and a brawler.

One miner said Gibson couldnt even be trusted with an anvil, as he would find some way to slip it in his pocket and walk away with it. Gibson soon wandered over a ridge and set to prospecting on his own. Unlike Sears, Gibson kept his new find secret, and struck it rich. The camp that developed was called Gibsonville.

(Alton Pryor has been a writer for magazines, newspapers, and wire services. He worked for United Press International in their Sacramento Bureau, handling both printed press as well as radio news. He traveled the state as a field editor for California Farmer Magazine for 27 years. He is now the author of 10 books, primarily on C alifornia and western history. His books can be seen at Readers can Email him at

Author:: Alton Pryor
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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