Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Tiamat and the King Chapter Three: The Death Valley

The Short Tale/Book: Four
[The unfinished storyLast Tale of the Tiamat
Now completed after four years

The Tiamat and the King

Note: we left off with Chapters one and two, here is now chapter three

Chapter 3
Lucifer and the Tiamat
In: The Death Valley

The next step for the Tiamat was to find Satan [the Adversary, and she does so, shortly after talking to the Ram-god: the Tiamat makes a deal with Satan to fight Marduk in place for finding out Sinneds secret, the secret that tells about the time and place of the end of the world, plus how it will end; him knowing it, and given directly to him by the Almighty God Himself. This troubles the angelic-Lucifer, the Adversary to the Almighty, and He senses time can be short, or possibly long, either way, but he wants to know what way. Because he cant put a finger on it, on what the secret is, that is, the date, what date, the date it will be; as a result, he will be able to plan his future and it is starting to irritate him that he cant, and he is a thinker, a planner if anything. He sees something more to it, and ponders on such thoughts (call it intuition).

Is this the beginning or the end? the beginning of something new after the end? or the end of ends?

This is what bothers him, for if it is the end of ends then where is his stead, or his end abode? On one hand he thinks it can be possibly sooner than he had previously anticipated, for he feels it is several-thousand years in the future. But he could be wrong, he was wrong once before, and it was a coasty wrong; as the demons were absolutely wrong about him. They thought they have power over him, when in essence; it was the other way around. Some are finding this out the hard way now. This he has not made known, now it fits into his scheme of things to let them think what they will. For he speaks their language, yet it is their heart he wants to know. It is easy to enslave a man, he knows th at, but to own his soul is different. And that cannot be gotten simply by language, or having them think he is over-powerful. He knows the nature of demons as well as men, as well as the nature of humans and beasts and all sorts of in-between creatures. And shortly, he will become the Prince of Demons, in all realms, in particular the underworld, the upper world, and in the physical and invisible worlds; just a matter of time.

Furthermore, Marduk has been quite helpful, in that, he stays out of his way; plus, people are more fearful of him, so Lucifer has been playing the good guy, and gaining more of Marduks followers, and worshipers, while he plays his old devilish self. But no matter what, Sinneds name keeps popping up as a danger to not only the demons, but to the world order at bay: he has likened to a spiritual fence around him, no one can really get to him without being cast either into the pit, or scorned by God Himself, so how can the Tiamat, or for that mat ter anyone get to him, to find the information Lucifer wants? Ah yes! This is the question that comes to his mind.

Another question that seems to arise is: what is underneath the mind of the Tiamat? With the Tiamats desperation to have Marduk killed and his endless haunting revenge once and for all settled, quenched, and begs the question how strong is Marduks friendship with Lucifer. On the other hand, Satan would take out Marduk sooner or later anyway; so feels the Tiamat. And Sinned would die (for he is quite old now, just a matter of time, so most of the demonic world feels) and then he could rule this kingdom without any interference (which Satan was just waiting for, feeling he had time and patience, but now somehow he had found out about a secret Sinned might have, and time is the very thing that is questionable (it is worth its weight in gold, perhaps the weight of the world); yes, time, more precious than silver and gold; even food and shelter). But then a gain, why wait for the answer, if he could get the ball rolling sooner, than laterwhich would make for a good head start on things. So Lucifer thought all the better, and after a moment of deep thought, calculations on needs and wants to his benefits, he agrees to kill Marduk in a fight for the Tiamat, with the stipulation of finding out the secret of Sinned, thereafter, and if not, says Lucifer to the Tiamat,

I will hunt you down like a hungry bear hunting down his prey, and Hell will not save you from my rage.

The Tiamat left her face flat of emotions so Lucifer could not read her.

The Fight

In the Valley of the Armies, below the cliffs of Yort, where the Great Sea rests, where legend has it, creation first took hold, Lucifer has called Marduk to meet him there for a summit concerning the return of the Tiamat, and the destruction of Sinned, along with the taking over of the Baboon Temple. Along with killing the Ram-god (many issues on the table he proclaims); he has asked the King to attend also, King Thesas III, and to bring his young bisexual-weakling lover along, whom he wishes to take for himself.

As all has been arranged, and the days heat is over their head, it is late morning (forenoon), a cool breeze shifts through the valley, and all who were asked to come, now are present. As surprised as one could be, Marduk notices the King, and others nearby, and like a sword of light, Lucifer turns himself into a dagger of death: the fight starts, and Marduk not sure why or what for, tries aimlessly to defend himself, but quickly, surprisingly quick, Marduk becomes unconscious, subdued, with one crushing blow from the lightening force of Lucifer. The onlookers are frightened, and Marduk is almost dead, except for one last blow, as Satan is about to give it to him, then out of the blue, the Tiamat yells:

Wait, wait, not yet!

The Tiamat now shifts to his second part of her plan, a plan only she knows. As Lucifer waits, with a pondering sly look at the Tiamat, as if to say: get on with it, the demonstration is almost over. The plan would be simple, kill Marduk, and let the King and the Ram watch, and let the rest of the plan ooze out like black-blood from contracting muscles (Lucifer feels he has did his part of the bargain).

It would be a simple fight Lucifer figured, yet everyone else was amazed at how quick Marduk was taken down. As Marduk lay there, now awakening, he knew he had no friends anywhere, only himself, no one would help. And now in the Valley of the Armies, man had the right to kill at will, no laws forbid such thingsthere was no laws there for man, beast, devil, demon or ghost; it was a death valley for just such matters. It was written into the ancient laws, to pick out a battlefield instead of fighting in ones own backyard, and there settle your issues, feuds and desecrations, as best you could, which was normally in a blood-battle; all unrepentant today.

Sinned was watching from above the cliffssecond observation. It was high morning and the sun was overwhelming hot. Just coming out of his senses again, Marduk stood up leaned against a huge tree, brooding what was next. Frightened he found himself in back of the tree, pacing and pacing, not quite knowing what was going to happen. He saw Sinned on the hill, and now the Ram-god, and the King. Something was wrong, very wrong. Possibly he could fight Lucifer again, if it came to that, no one really knew his strength, but they were finding out today. The Tiamat had now manifested herself a hundred yards behind Lucifer; something was very wrong thought Marduk. His mind now shifted from one thing to another, in rotating circles on the deals he and Lucifer had made, but now the return of the Tiamat was involved, a plight Marduk was not prepare for, did not take into consideration; on his thinking, he came to the conclusion he did not want her to make an alliance w ith Lucifer, but maybe they had already. Although he had a reputation of the most wicked of all creatures, Marduk had never seen him in battle except for now.

He saw now, a serpent growing legs, out of its skin. He looked closer, it seemed quite odd, and he was all of light,

Is that, he was about to say Lucifer.

And then with the speed and validity of a roaring tiger, the snake-of light jumped onto Marduk, opened up its jaws and sunk his teeth into, into the towering figures forehead (it was becoming obvious the Tiamat wanted to see Marduk cringe and weep and so she became a spectator, but she had started something with Lucifer and he was to finish it now; and she had a price to pay); Marduk shocked for the second time: like a second title wave, with all his eyes shifting here and there trying to figure out what just took place, what happened; trying to shake the giant snake free from its imbedded mouthful that sunk deep into his forehead. He then witnes sed legs come out of the serpent, going into its body, leaving it as smooth and slippery as silk; now in disbelief, yet with a little reality, Marduk knew he was doomed.

Marduk tried to grab the snake around its slimy and slippery frame, but its scorching light forbid it to be touched but for a millisecond, as it ate its way into Marduks forehead, but the snake grows smaller, and slips right through the giant demons hands like a blood-tic, as he went into a paroxysm. The snake now has eaten through the bone-skull of the beast

[as everyone watches these two happenings, Lucifer remains standing there waiting for the Tiamats demand, and only Sinned can see the other part, the ongoing drama, but all see the Tiamat for the first time; she was invisible, and had come from the underworld after making her deal there

now encircling its brain [the snake, now compressing it, squeezing it like one might expect the heart to be squeezed in a heart attack (while Mard uk is running in circles, running crazy, continuing in a wild fte, hitting his head on a huge nearby rocks and then running into trees, trying to kill the snake inside of him, which had now gone so far into his head, he knew not how to stop the new assault. The griping of the snake had now stopping the blood flow to the brain, as Marduk dropped to his knees, and onto the ground.

At this instant, replied the Tiamat (Marduks conscious eyes barely open, on the ground):

He is mine Lucifer, all of him!

And so Lucifer steps back to allow her, her revenge, her deadly, lifeless revenge (it was all the same for Lucifer, a deal was made, and it shall be kept was the only thing he deliberated on).

And consequently the giant demon [Marduk stood up, and fell back down onto the rock he had struck his head on a moment ago. And the snake came out and materialized into his semi-earthy and demonic form; satanic that is, it was some residue of Lucifer. Which to be qui te honest was a much more pleasant form then the Tiamats or Marduks.

As Lucifer now looked upon the huge figure laying against the rock, back up against it, he looked harmless, the once Great Marduk, as harmless as a grasshopper. He then put a leather band around the forehead of Marduk, to cover up his nasty work. For to the rest of the onlookers it just appeared out of nowhere it all took place so suddenly, it was as if he, Lucifer was only seen for a moment only allowing the onlookers to see a few blows, and his residue do the rest; but he knew Sinned had seen it all, every split second of it. Again I say, for some odd reason, he did not want the rest of the world to see his power, possibly theyd turn to Sinneds God in fear, and that would be the worse of all events, the very thing he was fighting against. He wanted to own souls of man and beast, and be worshiped.

Lucifer knew, as well as everyone else, this once demonic god figure was no more than a vegetab le now; he would have to be feed or hed starve to death. He was helpless. There, behind him, behind Lucifer, the Tiamat stood in her ghostly form, her revengeful glory, and the young King of Yort, shaking like the coward he was born to be, simply watched in panic, in his sacred purple and orange gown, given to him by none other than Lucifer. The noon sun was out now, completely out, it was hotter than normal, possible 117F [degrees, and the breeze had thickened with a death mode to a horribly dusty intake of air, almost choking air. The dust of the land seemed to be a morsel salty today, the breeze from the sea I suppose, but was no more seeping in through the valley perhaps than yesterday, it just seemed so. Death and fear has its way of circulating in circles. But for the Tiamat, it was a glorious day, a day she had thought of for many days prior. It was worth going to the pit for, she felt, if need be. Or at least that is what she thought at this very moment, this magnificent moment that had been arranged, arranged on top of other moments. But often times, after the fact, things and attitudes of people, change, they dont seem as so necessary, anymore, in the same order they were planned that is, one regrets. But if so, this was not a thought in her mind now.

And so, Ms Tiamat! said Lucifer with a sly eye movement, and a brow heightening, a fiery grin (the Tiamat was quite impressed how easily the great Marduk was taken down, it was awe if anything; for she could not beat him).

Yes, yes, you have made my day Lucifer, and I will now go forward with the rest of my, I mean, our plans (looking at the King).

The Ram demon stood by in shock, he was quite disturbed (asking himself, why he needed to be here, plus he never expected to see Marduk degenerate from power so quick).

Dennis Siluk, see his new book Spell of the Andes, at or

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Sh ort Story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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