Monday, November 5, 2012

Medieval Costumes Are Not Just for Halloween

Medieval costumes are not just for Halloween. A lot of people will have a theme party and go medieval. When it comes to the uses of medieval customers, the possibilities are endless. Of course you would see them at a play like Romeo and Juliet or Julius Caesar, but you will also see medieval customers at other sites too.

Many areas will have a fall ball, which is much like a fall festival. They are medieval balls where people who work the festival dress up and all the good food and games are also from the medieval times. They are very interesting to attend because some people will get into their character and even do the accent. It is a great way to learn about history, look at amazing costumes and have fun. The atmosphere at one of these festivals is much like you would find in the times . They have pig roasts and drink from mugs. There are usually ethnic dancers in full medieval customers, as well as, lute and pipe players that walk around in the tights and such. These events usually attract a lot of people and dramatic and fun.

Another place that you may see a lot of medieval costumes is at restaurants that have a medieval theme. All employees like the waitresses and bartenders dress up in medieval costumes and they serve foods and beverages like you would receive them in medieval times. Themed restaurants are very popular and the most popular is called Medieval Times. Medieval times is where you can watch a tournament and eat like you would in medieval times. It is literally a step back in history. Medieval times is one of the most popular places to dine in California and other dinner theater business and restaurants are located throughout the country.

Why are we so interested in medieval times that we go to lavish extents to make thing s seem real? As Americans, we are interested in medieval times because it is so basic or simple compared to our life. Its barbaric and quite entertaining to watch. The tournaments that are viewed at dinner theatre places is so exciting to watch because you get to choose sides and see a battle go down. The costumes take the crowd back to medieval times. Medieval costumes are piece of history itself. By what the costume the person is wearing, you can tell what their social status is. If you see a player, he will most likely be wearing a plain looking medieval costume that is just the basics. If you see someone of higher value like a lord or such, they will have a three piece suit on and it will be brightly colored and with great detail. Medieval costumes that are greatly detailed are for lords and those of a higher class. Medieval costumes that are plain, dark colored, and sometimes even ripped and such are obviously for those who are of low class and they are usual ly skills men.

Written by Vigdis S. Aas, webmaster and author of This article may be reproduced as long as a Live link back to is present.

Author:: Vigdis S. Aas
Keywords:: Medieval costumes,Halloween,medieval times
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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