Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Let's Cut the CRAPP #4

PP is for Poor Performance

There are times, I'm sure you will admit when you have performed at less than your best. I'm not talking about being perfect. I'm not even talking about those times when illness and/or injury have meant you are unable to achieve to your normal standard. Rather I am talking about those times when you have approached a task with little enthusiasm, and given it less than 100% effort.

None of us is able to do everything, which is perhaps just as well. I know, for example, My self image includes the perception that I am not very good at handy work around the home. I have learnt from experience that it is more cost effective and less frustrating for me to get a qualified tradesman in to do the big jobs. It's far cheaper for them to do it right the first time, rather than having to clean up my mess before doing it properly.

But it is the things you know from past experience, that you can do that we are talking about here. So, for examp le, you may have achieved great results in one area of endeavor. Then, because of a change in your attitude, for whatever reason, you start giving less than your best. You may be able to rationalize your drop in performance to others, but you will never be able to get away from the true reason when trying to justify it to yourself.

I am not for one moment suggesting you become a perfectionist. The world has more than enough perfectionists who, because of the unrealistic standards they have set for themselves make their own lives (and in many instances the lives of others) a living hell.

Simply ask yourself the question Have I done my best? at the completion of a specific task, or at the end of the day. If the answer is yes hey, no problem.

If the answer is no then ask yourself what changes can I make so that next time I can do my best?

Notice, I didn't suggest the question why not because that can only lead down the pathway to negativity. As you will discover as you become more involved in this site, your subconscious mind will answer the question you ask it. If the question (like why not) anticipates a negative answer, that is what it will get. And that is not really helpful for anyone, especially you!

On the other hand, the question I suggested what changes etc. anticipates a positive response. As a result, that is what you will get; a list of creative, constructive ways you will be able to improve your performance next time.

Graham Hunt is the founder and Thinker-in-Residence of The Ultimate Success Centre, an organization developed to resource an environment where those who choose can discover and develop towards their full potential. Part of the way Graham is doing that is through his website The Ultimate Success Site Drop by and visit anytime.

Author:: Graham Hunt
Keywords:: article submission, Articles, Writers, Writing, Publishing, Ezine, Email marketing, Email newsletter, Email
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