Friday, October 26, 2012

Planet SSARG: The Chamber City (Chapter Eight)

The creature, Manticores, sat by the warm fire; they wanted to know how to create fire. And with Sirens second-sight, she read their minds. In ding so, she also found out nearby, underneath a cliff were what they called The Chamber City, it was on the order of the ancient cliff dwellings (similar to those at Mesa Verde, in Colorado). In the morning they followed these Manticores, not quite able to transmit their language into an understanding dialogue, they followed these creatures to the gates, via, Siren.

Lifting hand and head to get up this lofty cliff, this dwelling, the army of rodents and vipers, and now a few Manticores, once again had to stand down, stay below. The leader of the Manticores was called, The Gin, or master if you will, and he accompanied her. It was a vacant city for the most part; some ghosts seemed to be here about, so Siren detected with her senses or insight.

Most of the small city under the cliffs were made either out of some kind of sandstone, along with bricks and boulders, no mortaring needed it seemed. She was getting a ting tired as she investigated her new surroundings, the Gin by her side. As she advanced further into the cave, and now Gin had two more of his guards with him, Siren asked the three to stay by the opening of the cliffs, as she ventured deeper into the subterranean cliffs. And they did as she asked. All these creatures she came to love and like, were for the most part appalling at beast, yet at their whim, she could be killed. Now she was in a city of some 100-rooms, some above ground others below.

It seemed to her this was not a hostile environment, not yet anyhow. Again I repeat, from the exterior, or outside of the city, especially down below the cliffs, where Sirens army remained, the city looked like ancient ruins, and may very well have been so, a dcor, or real, she was not by a room called, The Rose Room. Here she found an operations room, one that you might see at the S pace Center in America: many screens to watch whatever their mission was, and many controls, switches everywhere.

[The Beast She could speak and somehow be understood by the beast, their language were grunts and gestures, or were for the most part; yet Siren interpreted it inside her head, a phenomenon it was, and as strange as it was, it was but a way to understand the universe more. A gift given to her at birth; she was captivated by the control room.

The control room was perhaps some 1600-square feet. As she walked around the area, she had three grunting creatures; the grunts were somewhat erythematic you could say; the new found huge creatures. These creatures lived here, had some kind of kingdom, but played it safe with Siren, knowing there were those waiting for her out side the compound.

The Roar

A roar greeted her foot steps, she thought it was the misfits she had discovered and were standing by watching her, as she checked out the room. Then , she turned around, they were gone, the misfits, as she nicknamed them. She looked about someone, they were fighting with a giant, a fumbling giant to be exact, and she called him Finn: he was about twenty-feet tall; a freak of nature he classified him as, smoothed skin, big hips. They seemed to be tugging with him, shaking of heads and grunting, and then the four stopped to see Siren staring at them.

Written: 4/3/2004; revised 11/2005 [Peru

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Chapter Strory
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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