Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Art of Graceful Oil Painting

As with most things, an Oil Painting begins with good planning, and the Art Graceful Oil Painting is the same. StArt with plenty of good brushes, #1 to #10 (round kolinsky brushes are a good choice) together with one or two #20 brushes to cover larger areas, and not forgetting turpentine to wash the brushes afterwards.

The palette should be of hard, dark wood, wiped beforehand with linseed Oil.

The paint itself should be of good quality and of the basic colour range, making sure that all paints are compatible. Again, planning is needed here as you may need to purchase any specific colours according to the subject of y our Painting.

The canvas should be of a good quality, primed several times beforehand and ideally it should be rubbed afterwards with fine sandpaper, all for the purpose of covering and hiding the texture of the canvas.

To create a work of Art, the Painting itself should be planned out also. It can be either be drawn on the canvas initially, or drawn on separate paper and transferred to the canvas by carbon paper. Either way, it should be sketched very approximately to stArt with, making sure that the overall basic dimensions are in proportion, then the increasingly finer details can be added. The subject of the Painting should be something close to your heArt. Invariably, the more interest you have in a subject the more success you will achieve. Large areas of the background should be painted first, allowing sufficient time for drying in between coats. Some people tend to wipe the surface after each coat with half an onion in order for subsequent layers to be absorbed better. Foreground details and finer details are added last. A final coat of lacquer can also be added.

These are only some of the basics of creating an Oil Painting. Much can be learned by watching an expert at work, regardless of the topic, so you should make every effort t o find a competent Artist who can create a work of Art, with flowing, Graceful lines in his Oil Painting. But the internet is also an ideal place to gather a great deal of information about different Oil Painting techniques.

About the author:

David Hoyles is the webmaster and publisher of three Oil Painting sites Visit, and to learn more.

Author:: David Hoyles
Keywords:: Art,Graceful,Oil,Painting
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