Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Planet SSARGThe Gathering (Part Four ( Part of The: Cadaverous Planets))

Part Four of Nineteen [See notes for overview

Planet SSARGThe Gathering at: HegMkog. [Part of the: Cadaverous Planets

Siren had built a large tree house, reaching from one tree to the other: that is, reaching from those two huge trees that Siren first seen climbing up the embankment, and which the pond was right in back of, and which overlooked the plateau and meadows below, and the forest beyond, and behind her. From this mound position, she could see down the hill and across the valley, the meadows and over the tops of the grass for any enemy, or praetor

[Interlude: Iron Spirit: Blaze mumbling, thinking I have no memory of such a creature, except myself: I am the future, it is she who is: but why? I am given pity, not fear: but why? (Am I the victim of madness?) Now, despair in conflict with this iron spirit. I almost was vanished, consumed. (Blaze checked his childhood; most of his brain was non-receptive to grapping anything substantial, swampy for t he most part.

I was the sum, the all of all the warrior snakes, and like that, like a wind, I am now less than the sum. I am not the strongest anymore, but I am live. I cannot put my tongue on it, but I know, sense it is on the tip of my tongue:

she could see down the hill, she liked that, whomever might pose a threat to her, theyd have to go through 25,000-snakes, and if the rats came from the woods, the guards would take care of that, those high above the hidden branches of the trees; or at least allow for a warning before the battle.

Shortly after her abode was built, in the following week, the roof being made of grass, and wooden timbers from the forest, and the side likewise: the rats heads were put on poles to let the world of rats know this was a forbidden area. In a way the domicile looked more like a nest than a house, but it kept the rain out, and was cozy. It stretched from one tree to the other, the two large trees: Gog and Magog, she called th em. She heard that name in her brain; she presupposed her mother had put it there. Thus, her castle in the trees became known as just that that, Gog and Magog, by the snakes who could only say: HegMkog, as if one was trying to hiss the name out, which is what they got. And so for short, the place was often referred to as HegMkog.

In the following weeks, she had found out that the rats as well as the snakes could climb trees. During this period of peace between all the snakes rats, the rats would approach the tree house: Gog and Magog, but stop before they crossed what they called: from the green spot to the dirt spot. They did use the pond, but only on two sides, since it would violate what they felt would be going onto the dirt: not that Siren had drawn a line, evidently they had more so than she. It was a safe zone, and she left it alone. They even got to a point of liking her, as the snakes had already done.

The snakes, like true guards, none abandoned the ir posts. They all seemed to Siren: like lost souls. These trees became sacred, as it seemed Siren was, but really didnt want to become. She had gotten a message from her mother, that she was on the moon, parallel SSARG, how she got there, was beyond her, yet some of her residue was in the chambers of her head, her mind yet.

[Interlude: Running After a few more weeks, Siren started to run in the woods in the mornings for exercise. And the snakes would chase her, but she flew over, jumped over whatever was, that she had to: that is, any and everything, and they would always lose her, but never did they stop looking for her. Blaze being the most worried of the vipers. One time she had run, and run so far and so fast, she became, and she was, was lost and a grapevine had grabbed her neck, and the vines were so thick, they twisted around her like a snake. She was paralyzed from neck to feet. When she had woke up, several snakes were chewing on the thick vines to fre e her: thus, they seen her vulnerable, but before they cut through the ropes she used all the strength in her body to break the vine-ropes, and did, and again that impressed the snakes, for they could not do that and could not figure out how she did that; nor could they put it together that they had almost freed her.

As I was saying before, they worshiped her like heathens, as if she was some ancient god, sent to them. Could this actually be some kind of new order, a civilization in the makings [?: this did not occur to them as I am saying it to you, but it did occur to them as one being naked in the world, and now clothed.

It was happening that the snakes and rodents were now becoming friendly with one another, them joining together at night, using the water, and under the rulership of the New Rat King II. Perhaps it was better she thought, better to see if it was possible for them to build relationships; it might be better than to watch them prepare for war.

During this period, Blaze become friends with King Rat II and 100,000- Rats were now the jungles guardian under the rulership of Siren, for him: he being, the King Rat II stooped, in a bow form, to the new Queen of the Rats. There was a morsel of jealously of whom the Queen liked more, the best: but it was never fought over.

In the days following, she found herself eating nuts, and again the fruits from around the vicinity of her makeshift castle. No one ate rats or snakes anymore, it was forbidden: where at one time it was part of the menu, and part of this planets customs. It is needless to narrate what took place the following six-months, it was pretty routine: but, flesh and beast slept better that was for sure, they ate more bugs and other items than normal, fish was a good catch not and then. And as she took her long walks, and runs daily, it came to pass she discovered some tall, very tall cliffs, over 3000-feet tall. On the top they looked like Mesas; fla t toped. And as she saw them day after day after day, she knew inside her she had to leave her creatures behind and explore this area. She saw from a distance some husky, robust large legged beasts on top these cliffs, bear type beasts.

See Dennis' books at any local internet site that sells books, and his website for his travels, if you are interested: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Chapter story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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