Friday, June 29, 2012

Where It Began: The Circle of Refiam A play about Giants: Act 1: Scene 3

Act I

Scene 3

Behind the stone structure know as the Circle of Refaim, the first of a number of circles of stones placed on top of one another, balance perfectly, some weighting 30 to 50 tones, huge in size (a monument crumbling into the ground because of its age, and lack of maintenance), the horde of angelic beings, giants known as the Nephilm all go behind with the female Adgo. At this time, Azazel, the leader of the Nephilm, who now has appeared on the scene (Roe being the captain), gives news of a 3rd temple to be built in Jerusalem soon (a sign that the war in the Valley of Raphaim will quickly develop, and that is why the Raphaim have returned, even though the ruler of the Europe Union has made an agreement with Israel to avoid war, it will be broken; even though Noge has some reservations on this matter, ignorant somewhat.


Soon, Noge, you shall know it all. I need to make you ready for the last battle, my heart is sad, it will be our misfortune, I shall describe things hurriedly for you, dont mind what happens to the hussy.


She is only ill behaved because we want her to be father.


The woman, with her the worse is to come between us I do believe. She never should have been let through the gates, naked as an egg, and here she is, to be taken by all, we act like dogs, shameless.


But father we have eyes that are false, hers are not, she is of real flesh.

(You can hear her crying in the background, in the middle of the horde of angelic beings: giants)


You have not seen, I have. You mistake this marvel of a woman to mean more than it is; she is no more than a mountain rat, a brothel pig.


Hurry up with her, stare and look, and be done with her or I shall go mad She (a long pause)

Hell tells youto be ready for the battle to come, you will have your time for killing, this is but one woman, there are more.

Noge (speaking to Azazel):

She is no immortal like us, do not harm her, or I will not obey you when the time comes to battle. Tell Vii not to hurt her, put aside your anger, and let her live: should I not have her again?

(Vii is making love to her now in the circle around her you have not heard her speak, only cries)


Vii, bid that she speak, and if she does, do not harm her, incarcerate her when you are done, so we her lover can have her later, put her in a tomb here in the circle.

(To Noge) Perhaps her tongue is alien to us, we shall speak in English, or Hebrew, or Arabic, whatever pleases her, is this fine with you? Be off with her soon we cannot stand around her forever staring at her flesh: Ive got work to do. She is a distraction, perhaps by the Jews; possibly she is sent to quiet us, when you see her beauty, your heart burns, you are innocent of this I know, and you are your father shame. Trust me, in days not hours, the temple will be built, and we will war with Israel, and King David will not save them as he did so long ago in the Valley of Raphaim. (He walks away, leaves Noge and Horrep by themselves, standing back from the horde; Vii stops, takes the woman by the hand and leads her out by and tomb, she is saying something to him, indistinguishable)

Noge (to his father Horrep):

How does God work?

Horrep (looking at his son):

David killed many giants in his day, had many victories over Philistine; he sings songs about it, about Gods love in his Psalms. We, Azazel and I and many of us have been trying to figure that out for a long time, David knew.


Then why are we going to fight with Azazel against the Jews, I mean, if God has favor with David, and David is with God, and David was a Jew, why do we come here to this land we got kicked out of, and ran into the comics so long ago; why do we stay to kill more Jews?


Perhaps be cause we think it is our threshold, it is thus a home. Yea! Those questions, pierce my cheeks, they are defiled! Hold your tongue, it is like a spear.

(Several of the Giant soldiers heard a few of the last words Horrep spoke, turned aboutconfusion on their faces.)

God sent his angels to help David; they were on the tops of trees, with swords; that is how he won two of the battles: the ones in this valley called the Valley of Refaim. You are one of the last of your kind you know. I say one of the last, for Saint Christopher came from our stock. He was 18-feet tall, he come from a tribe of cannibals, like our ancestors. He was ugly, and died around 300 AD, he became a martyr, he became a Christian; he came from Africa, the Marmaritae tribe. He was like you, always asking questions.


But father before the days of Enoch you were born, what then?


For the last time I beg you to hold your mouth you are my son! It is just how it i s, you trample on my heart, and you are worse than the harlot I purchased for you, and I get this. But I shall tell you this

(Vii had left the girl on a tombstone; she is naked and staring at the horde gathered together a distance away: she glances back and forth between the horde and Noge)) Azazel is nearby listening to the conversation between Noge and his father; he was coming to let Noge know where the girl was but did not want to interrupt; thus, now Vii and Azazel stand together listening)

actions and emotionsis what it is all about. Maybe our enemies were humans all along, the very ones we were protecting from the clouds. We became paralyzed by Gods love and care for them early on, to be honest; I suppose that is close enough to the truth. We never waited for Gods voice, we didnt listen to Him when it did come, but came down-to-earth as if it was the courtroom, and we gave sentence to earth. That was that! ~

Act 1, scene 1 and 2; Written 5/13/06. A ct 1 scene 3, written 5/14/06.

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Play
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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