Saturday, June 16, 2012

Great Relationship Advice: 6 Step Formula for Intimate Communication

1. Freedom to honestly disclose feelings

Feelings just are. Feelings are not right or wrong. If you can't share your true and honest feelings, you have to keep secrets. A relationship is as sick as the number of secrets that are kept.

2. Willingness to grow and change

Whenever I hear someone say I'm just the same person I was 20 years ago my first thought is that here is a person that has wasted 20 years.

Growing and changing together is one of the greatest forms of long term intimacy there is.

3. Avoiding manipulation

We all know how to manipulate to get our own way. The problem is it builds resentment and mistrust over time.

One way to avoid manipulation is to ask for what you want learn to negotiate from there.

4. Resolving Conflict, avoiding fighting

While Conflict in a relationship is inevitable, fighting is optional.

It's a choice.

5. Setting the Conflict aside and moving on

Why hold onto the past? It is not helpful. All it does is weigh you down.

Make a place for the past because it did happen and then put it in it's place which is behind you, a chapter in a book that you do not have to read again.

6. Keeping the connection

You have got ot know the answers to these two questions:

What does it take for me to stay connected to my partner?

What does it take for my partner to stay connected to me?

Visit SecretsofGreatR for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.

Author:: Jeff Herring
Keywords:: relatinship advice, relationship problems, Communication, couples. marriage, Jeff Herring, Conflict
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