Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why A Vasectomy Reversal?

Why would someone consider having a vasectomy reversal? The strongest motivation for many men and their partners is wanting to have more children. Many men have a vasectomy at a point in a relationship where they and their partner feel that their child raising days are behind them. However, relationships can change, or end with new relationships forming, which can often lead to a re-emergence of the desire to have children. In this case the vasectomy reversal gives couples a second chance or in the case of a new relationship an opportunity to start over. Not only do relationship changes create the desire to have a vasectomy reversal, but sadly the death of a child to a couple that have chosen to have the vasectomy reversal procedure, can create a very strong desire to have another child, forcing them to look at a vasectomy reversal as a possible option to do so.

Fortunately for those considering vasectomy reversal surgery, the chances of having a successful procedur e are relatively good, with the various success signposts being a pain free surgical recovery, appropriate sperm levels in the ejaculate, and finally pregnancy occurring. Post surgery complications can occur however leading to a condition known as post vasectomy pain syndrome (PVPS) The severity of the post surgery pain can be such that it virtually forces the sufferer to look at having their original vasectomy reversed in the hope that their pain can be eliminated. Although this is not a common occurrence, if it does occur it provides a very compelling reason to look at having a vasectomy reversal. When making your decision to have or not have vasectomy reversal surgery, please take your time to research the specialist surgeons who will be performing your surgery. The single biggest factor in your vasectomy reversal success rate is the skill and experience of the surgeon.

Your best chance of success is to choose a micro surgeon with a lot of experience specifically i n vasectomy reversal surgery. One of the main complications that, while not life threatening, can virtually guarantee that your surgery will NOT be successful if your vasectomy reversal doctor is not trained in the management of it, is a vasoepididymostomy. This complication often occurs once surgery has commenced, by which time it is too late to do anything about the lack of skill or experience of your surgeon in relation to this particularly difficult surgical procedure. Due diligence is called for here. Do the required research. Many will say that a vasectomy reversal is a safe and simple procedure. And it is for most people. But your chances improve dramatically if you look around and compare various surgeons and their level of skill and success, in vasectomy reversal surgery. As much as cost is a factor for all of us when making big decisions like elective surgery, dont allow yourself to compromise on the cost of your surgery.

The most expensive surgeon is not alw ays the best, but, taking a chance with your long term health and the short term success of your surgery to save a few dollars, could ultimately be a very costly mistake. Taking the cheaper option can lead to a poorly performed procedure and the associated post surgery complications and lack of ability to conceive. Your chances of success with vasectomy reversal surgery are usually very good, but there are a few key factors to consider, when trying to establish the likelihood of a successful outcome. The biggest block to success is the length of time that has elapsed since you had the original vasectomy procedure. Figures vary, but most research indicates that you can expect a 97% success rate (success here being a return of your sperm count to normal) if 3 years or less has passed since your vasectomy. As far as pregnancy occurring if you have surgery before 3 years has passed you have a 75% chance of fathering a child. As you would imagine, if a vasectomy reversal is pe rformed many years after the original vasectomy surgery, the chances of success (normal sperm counts and pregnancy) drop considerably. If 15 years of more have passed your chances of fathering a child drop to 30% with a 72% chance of normal sperm rates returning. As we age there can be other non-surgery related health issues that may impact our chances of a successful vasectomy reversal, these also need to be taken into account when you weigh up your surgical options and the likelihood of surgery being successful. Your vasectomy reversal specialist will outline all of these factors. So if you find yourself in the situation of having had a vasectomy and are now wanting to father children again, a vasectomy reversal is definitely something you should look into.

Glenn Turner invites you to visit for more information and resources to help you decide if a vasectomy reversal is for you.

Author:: Glenn A. Turner
Keywords:: vasect omy reversal, vasectomy reversal surgery, vasectomy reversal success rate,
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