Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lady Guinevere's Lyoness


I could get angry on many occasions when I see academia or other paradigm mouthpieces saying pseudoarchaeology likes to speculate which the next source does about the Megaliths of menhirs near Carnac (not the place in Egypt they do not know is named after this one). In fact I enjoy seeing my own books put in sections called pseudoarchaeology by those who tout the Bible Narrative and its effluent. Lyoness is where Lady Guinevere and Lord Mordred of the Arthurian amalgam myths came from. It is at the bottom of what is now the Bay of Biscay. It may only have gone under the waters in Roman times but little is written or available about it. There are many good people in archaeology who are beginning to see the cosmic importance of these Megaliths and I have written about their purpose extensively.

The total Earth Energy Grid is involved and I am sure the Druidic University located near Rennes-le-Chateau in the pre-Roman era was put there by many of the same Brotherhood that built the ones in Carnac. I hear there are even larger Megaliths at the bottom of the Bay of Biscay which would have been a long time embarkation point to the Americas and I think the people of Tartessus are remnants or brothers of Lyoness. There is a Rennes in this region too and it is nice to see this source admitting the academics know very little and were wrong, even though they (Wikimirror) denigrate pseudoarchaeologists.

The largest surviving menhir is at Locmariaquer, Brittany, the Grand Menhir Bris (Great Broken Menhir) which was once about 20 meters high. It lies broken in four pieces but would have weighed around 330 tons when intact and is thought to be the heaviest object ever moved by humans without powered machinery. In other areas, standing stones were systematically toppled by Christians: of the many former standing menhirs of northern Germany, scarcely one stands today. Alignments of menhirs are also known, the most famous being the megalithic site of Carnac in Brittany (illustration, right), where more than 3000 menhirs are arranged in three groups and arrayed in rows.

The shape of a menhir tends to be square, tapering toward the top. They are generally roughly hewn to shape. Some have vertical grooves and certain of those at Carnac appear to have been partially smoothed.

Practically nothing is known of the cultural context in which the menhirs were erected. We have no t race even of their language. Until recently, they were associated with the Beaker people, who inhabited Europe during the later third millennium BC during the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age. However, more recent research into the age of Megaliths in Brittany tentatively suggests a far older origin, six to seven thousand years ago. (11)

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazzine
Guest 'expert' at

Author:: Robert Baird
Keywords:: Lyoness, Guinevere, Carnac, Megaliths
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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