Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Tiamat and the King last Half to Chapter 5 of 6 Chapters

The Shinning Ones

As the Sinning Ones appear at the request of the Tiamat (of which three out of the seven came), the Tiamat appeared to greeted them at the gates of Yort. As the Adversary looked from the tower within his Temple, by where the Rams Temple is located, onto the plaza and gates observing all the movements. Sinned, also was standing by watching the greeting taking place, and were a number of priests, and usual citizens. At there feet was laid many gifts: as they walked through the gates of Yort, as promised, for coming: twenty slaves presented them with offerings, great sums gold and silks, etcetera; and other wealth, to include, horses, and swords for their soldiers. But with the gifts came the request, which was: the to do a surgical job for the Tiamat, of which they were well known for, among other things, that being, medical experts on the anatomy of the human race, for they had been among them, and had watched them: the human race, mold into a civilization for the past 80,000-years.

As they are now standing in the Temple of the Tiamat, with Lucifer standing by a pillar, the Tiamat explains what he wants done; the King is nearby and so is the Cupbearer, whom is constantly wiping and cleaning the feet and brow of Lucifer. In addition, giving him air, by fanning him; at times they go behind the pillars where he makes his body naked for the Serpent Kings sexual diversities. Satan giving nothing more than a flat affect and watching the young man quiver over his powerful overbearing demeanor. Other women are lined up outside the temple for services he may wish to have at any given moment. His pleasures are many, and his patience is short.

Says the Tiamat, to Ra, one of the three Shinning Ones, which is his full title:

I want you to cut open the skull of Sinned, it has to be you, neither demon, nor angelic being, nor human can do the operation, if it were so, it would cause reprisals from the His Al mighty God, the one no one has seen, but grant you, he is powerful. I want you to cut away half his brain, put the other half of it in a glass for posterity, and put the Ram-gods half brain left into his head, so I can control him, at the same time, put Sinneds other half brain, connecting it to the Ram-gods brain, thus I will have control of both individuals, and domination of the body of the Ram-god, my will, will be twice as strong, and I will be three times as smart, and, and I will have no further interruptions with this Sinned person in my life, and Lucifer will be happy. Hence he will lose his reasoning [Sinned, and I will have access to his Gods wishes: which is a secret I must find; this can be done through his brain waves, oh yes oh yes. Matter-of-fact, of all involved I also I will have access to future information [pause, the Tiamat looks at Lucifer

Says Lucifer [destructively: Do you want to say, his God? because if you do, it is not what I expected; and that makes you a bigger fool than I anticipated. I want to be equal to Him, to Sinneds God. How do you think you would turn out if you had access to Gods brain wavesstupid! Think about it? He would never allow you to get one-filth of an inch in front of Him. You do not even have the slightest understanding what you are asking, or what you are talking about, this is not even applicableand you are nothing, nothing, and me you must not understand me eitheryou dare say, capable of knowing what he is thinking then, that is the dumbest statement Ive ever heard? No, no He is a jealous God, and if He seen you trying to listen in on his secrets, you would not be around to explain them. I thought you had some kind of good plan. You have nothing, seriously nothing at all. Plus, plus do you think God is a grasshopper, He is laughing at you right now, and you make me a fool in front of Him for I made a deal with you, He is most likely saying, Who is the dumb one you listene d to, the Tiamat, foolish as I was to do so (the Tiamat is starting to panic, almost froze with alarm).

Plus, spoke the leader of the three Shinning Ones, called Ra, We do not kill the will or the spirit of a person; it is forbidden, it is part of our heritage, left by our forefathers, who have been coming her for thousands of years; it would not be conducive to our faith, our belief.

Satans Thoughts:

Satan knows about this race of beings, but says very little, it is a mysterious one that doesnt get involved with the politics of another planet; for he has seen them on many other planets, if anything, experimenting, while trying to prolong their race.

In the eyes of Satan, the Tiamat was now becoming more useless, a liability if anythinga burden by the minute, and so he looked at the Tiamat with a startling glare, a challenging posture.

Says Satan in a harsh and offended voice:

you cannot force this to be done on Sinned without God crushi ng you and possibly me, along with you; it has to be done willingly, like giving him something he wants in return for something you have: a favor for a favor, if you will. No more foolishness, like the undertaking you just foolishly did, wasting my time, I want to know the secret Sinned holds within his head from the Almighty, the second part of the agreement, and for your sake I want to know it soon, and give to the Shinning Ones what you offered, and let them go, I do not want them involvedlest we disrupt the whole city and they start prying to Sinneds God, thats all I need. If you do not want to outright kill him, then find out the information. If you kill him, and I am not saying to, the blood is on your hands (Satan now washes his hands in a granite bowl filled with water) I will not dirty my hands in this, your god is me, my God, may possibly be me also, but one must remember as much as I do not want to, it is He who through me out of bliss through the universe t o this abode, not I Him. But I am no fool; I will leave that alone for now. You are a demon, a high and powerful one from the first race of Angelic Renegades, born from the seeds of angels that left their abode, I grant you that, but nothing more, I, and only I on this earth am a real, God of the Air, I am the live physical god, and dont forget it (the Tiamat shut up like a child who just got a whipping).

She remembered how Marduk beat her, killed her, and how the Adversary took Marduk down like killing a grasshopper; she wanted nothing of it, even though she had pondered the thought.

Said He [Satan, and Id like to tell you, time is very short for you Ms Tiamat!!!!!!!!!! (his roar echoed throughout the temple, and shook the foundation of the building like a hurricane.)

As they walked out of the temple, the King pulls the Tiamat to the side, by a pillar, says: I overheard the other day you have a short time to find out a secret or be killed, a secret of S inneds; killed in the since you will be cast into the pit. That Lucifer was talking about it to his lover the cupbearer, who of course told me.

[She moans as she stumbles walking out of the temple, still trying to adjust to the body of the Ram-god, stretching, and pulling the elasticity of the skin from face to toes.

See Dennis' web site:

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Chapter Story
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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