Saturday, November 12, 2011

Family Paintings

Do you like to paint? I do, but Im terrible at it. Well, thats my opinion. My mother always likes my Paintings, but thats what mothers are for. My grandmother only painted walls and furniture, as far as I know, but she was always Painting one room or another either at her house or ours. Shed buy old furniture and paint it or stain it to match her new walls. My mother paints some, too. When I was a little girl, Mother painted all our rooms whatever color we wanted.

My brothers wanted red, white and blue, so thats what they got. My sister and I wanted our rooms to look like a greenhouse, so Mother painted the walls a pale gre en. Then she painted the new built-in cabinets white. For a finishing touch, she painted lovely green vines and purple flowers up the dividers between the cabinets. It was a perfect little girls room!

So, I guess Painting is in my genes. My great grandmother on my mothers side painted a lot. All of my siblings have at least one of her Paintings hanging in our homes. She painted Texas landscapes with bluebonnets and still life Paintings of flowers, and su ch like that. They arent great art, but shes family and its nice to have them on my wall.

I started dabbling with watercolors when I was a little girl. We take it for granted in the U.S. that all children have the opportunity to learn a little about the arts. Not everyone does, though. You have to be able to buy the supplies. But we were lucky. From watercolors, I graduated to acrylics and oils. I still paint with all three, depending on my mood. I suppose a real artist might specialize, but Im really just playing at it.

I paint abstract things with colors to suit my mood, like reds, yellow and oranges when Im excited about something or blues and purples when Im feeling calm and peaceful. Sometimes I try to paint landscapes like my great-grandmother did. Theyre not as good as hers, but probably one day my great grandchildren will have one hanging on their walls just to remind them of family. Your great grandchildren will probably do the same with yours.

Abo ut this author - Delia Mettarod has been dabbling with paints since she was a little girl. She has painted everything from watercolor abstracts to custom walls for special rooms. You can read more articles about Painting at Whitcomb Painting

Author:: Delia Mettarod
Keywords:: Painting
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