Let us not all believe Atlantis did not have its secrets, and dark powers, for it surely did. And this sketch will bring forth, one of them. (Part II)
The Guest from the Eastern Islands
The seaport city of Poseidonia, on the island-continent of Atlantis, during the period this story took place (approximately 10,665 BC) was under the Archrulership of Phrygian, and his High Priest Xandore, the High Priest being none other than the henchman of hell, incarnate, Agaliarept himself, after the killing of Xandore in the high tower of the acropolis the sacrifice to the gods were met with satisfaction; but Agaliarept did give the king a slight warning.
Several islands to the east, and southeastin particular, the Canary and Madeira Islandsbelonged to Atlantis, as well as the islands to the norththe British Isles. The Royalarcheking Phrygian had called for a meeting to discuss the usage of one of those islands for a graveyard (in which he was secretly using already w ith experimentation of corpses, for fertilization of its land. That is to say, to see if through such an act, wondrous foods could be extracted with dead animals, and human beings. The experimentation had already produced tropical flora the size of human beings, fruits and vegetables never before seen to the human eyessome deadly as with poisonous oils. And so it was that tons of this matter was being sent to the islands in disguise, and it was becoming obvious to the islanders something mysterious was being planted and producing deadly results. And the Archegoverner was the answer to the dilemma, he would give his permission, henceforth, take the blame, should anything come about.
The Boat
A boatman launched gently alongside of the little marble pier of Port Poseidonia, and from the boat, a voice followed,
Throw me a rope? said the voice.
A young slim boy made fast his request, swaying a rope to the oarsman, and took hands with the Archegoverner o f the Isle of Iffrikonn, the city of Yllipha, who left his one and only flesh, his brothers daughter Ais behind, Princess Ais, now the guardian of the islands.
The young slim boy by the name of Anases who was learning to be scribe, and would one day be a scribe, would also one day govern the British Isles, and write the history of Atlantis down, and one day would become Grand Archeknight of Atlantis, He was there to greet the Archegoverner of Iffrikonn.
A tall thin handsome middle aged man was the Archegoverner. Thus, he welcomed him to the city with gleeful eyes, as he led him ashore. The ancient creature, known as the Hippokamp (the very one who often escorted the king on his journeys across the seas, Aon) was close by; he had followed the governors vessel into the port area from afar, a far off distance, to insure it would arrive safely.
(All the other royal guests had arrived the Archegoverner was told by Anases; at which time the boy had his serv ants take hold of his bags to carry to the halls of the Acropolis, where he would be sleeping.)
Hydras, the Archegoverner was taken back a bit, when the young youth, Anases, of scholarly blood, with sharp blue eyes, and light bronze skin, auburn crimson hair, with just a loin cloth to cover him on, took hold of his hand.
I will take you sir to your room, which is next to mine, there you can get revitalized, freshen up a bit with the clear river water that comes down from the mountains, and joins the Great River Amphus, which has seven tributaries, yes, it is pumped right into your room.
The Night
The first night the Governor had broken dreams, his forest lands were lush with living foliage, taller than, than twenty feet, filled with corpses: they grew huge and blood red. The sea wind from the window was like nails scratching his back, fingers relentlessly scratching him.
As a result, the following morning, the first meeting did not go well with the king, he wanted too much of his islands. An island of death that is what he was asking him to surrender to. And should his people hear of this, he was sure they would revolt with him.
It was on the third day that the young boy came into Hydras room in the middle of night, a strange night it was indeed, the window still open to the winds of the sea were most estranged with hung shadowy solifuga creatures crossing by its window pane. He was in a gloomily lit room solely still with the moon shedding some shadowy light on the body laying on the bed, an irritable body trying to sleep, thence, Anases sat by him, massaging him slowly, carefully, gently, so he could go to sleep, and within his tunic he pulled out a bottle of fine oil, then the young scribe used this magical essence to penetrate deep into his skin, profoundly deep into the muscle tissue its scents went, which discharged from the oil its potions: the fundamental nature from the red blood flowers of the i sles, the isles that the Governor came from, his islands it filled the room with a peculiar aroma. Slowly the Archegoverner fell into a deep sleep, very deep dead sleep.
The Solifuga
Quietly, as Hydras slept, the youth stood up from the bed and left his oil idly open, by the bed. What he had done prior to this was of a dark nature: he had instructed the oarsman from his own country island, to bring back a large nest of venomous Solifuga-Arachnida creatures, spider like, with beady eyes and stretched out bodies, jaws most powerful which could produce bits equal to a bulldogs. They were paralyzing creatures, creatures that would eat a rat in minutes, ripping the flesh off like a piranha. These crunching creatures would infect his mind, and slowly break down his metabolism, and disjoint his nervous system. He would forget what he would say, a few minutes after hed say it. Sometimes these creatures chewed their victims to pulp, and so it was timing.
Thereaf ter, after the five inch spider-like creatures did their duty, they would all die within minutes of the aroma entering into their blood stream, the aroma being released from the oil; it was as the king wanted, save that no one else would get hurt. And all would be blamed on the boat he brought over, should, suspicion arise and fingers be pointed to the royal palace of wrong doing.
Henceforward, all went as planed as these aggressive and quick bodies dashed to the scent of their home land, a powerful scent that brought them up to the bed they sought. And within minutes the bellowing of a madman was heard throughout the halls of the kingdom, a man in his sleep.
Came the kings guards, who knew nothing of the matter, for only the High Priest and the King and the youth knew the facts behind this; hence, the kings men killed the creatures by the dozen, and half just died as if to give the guards glory, yet it was the potion young Anases hand put into the rubbing oil.< /p>
Oh, he was a dreadful sight, the Governor of Iffrikonn, it was an alarming sight to see such wounds on a human body, it took the most skilled nurses and doctors to attend to his lacerations the spider-like creatures gave him, and thus, he was most willing to leave all the affairs of his islands in the trusted hands of the young boy, now his best friend; or at least his best friend until he gained his senses back, for he was delirious at the present time. And thereafter he signed all the papers that needed his signature, and was brought back home by none other than Anases thereafter, to where he met the lovely and enchanting Princess Ais. As a result, upon his arrival back to the Archeimperalkingdom of Atlantis, he described the Princess to the king, and his desire grew warm to hot.
See Dennis' web site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com
Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Chapter Story
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