The Most Absurd Truth Or Is It?
Little did I know what my endless quest for Truth and knowledge would lead me to. It is true what one Japanese Buddhist monk once said, We must always be disturbed by the Truth. Why is that I wonder? Well, looking from my own experience throughout my life, I would have to say it is because of the conditioned Mind frame we are born into through different cultures, traditions, or religion in their diverse versions of Truth. Later when faced with a Truth that has come only when one has aligned or attuned themselves to a point of further comprehension, Truth can be very different than what one once believed was true. In my journey thus far, I have realized that Truth seems to be like a puzzle of dimensions. In the expanding process of individual growth, the pieces seem t o fit together and layer themselves into deeper and deeper levels.
So what then is Truth and where does it begin? Is Truth something that humanity creates for itself to run a conducive and obedient society by means of consequence and fear? I do believe in the law of cause and effect, dont get me wrong, but at what cost are we learning our lessons to become better individuals? What lessons are we teaching our children? Are we teaching them to be afraid, obey the laws, or else? Perhaps in the line of Evolution such a practice has some value for the process of growth, but can we as humanity move beyond this? Is world peace yet a dream, or is it a deeper level to our existence? Why not teach our children that they are the magnificent creators of their lives? Why not show them the powerful and amazing beings they really are by allowing them to have experience without judgment? What world would we live in if we all took responsibility for the effects of our own acti ons without putting superiors above ourselves to judge and punish us when we have stepped outside of the boundaries of the established way that things are said to be done? Whose laws are these anyway? Are these the laws of men or God? Perhaps this process is one of the many layers of Truth, but what lies beneath? What if we allowed ourselves to realize the possibility that there is more?
What if there is one of you who would wish to reason with your own Mind? Reason is the one thing which allows man to act as God unto himself with an inward conscious knowing. Blasphemy! you say. What? Did you say we are not to look to God, but to our own selves for wisdom? How absurd! you say. Yet what if in looking to ourselves, we are in fact looking to God?
I hear your voices, for they have been my own as w ell. Yet still I could not ignore the call of my inner voice, and the reasoning power of my Mind to urge me to ask the question, Is there more? The ability to reason raises us above our automated reaction we often project from our emotions, which when deliberately applied, forces us to think before we act, therefore guiding ourselves in a conscious and deliberate way. Reason is the only aspect of man which separates our intelligence from the intelligence of an animal. Therefore God, it would seem has a reasonable nature, and we cutting ourselves off from our own reasoning capability, in turn are cutting ourselves off from God.
Perhaps you are one who wishes to step outside of these illusionary boundaries to experience the causes and effects of your life in a conscious and deliberate manner. What if you, taking your deliberate and courageous step forward, dare to think a different thought than you have ever thought before, expanding the possibilities and wonders of life? Do you think this is what would happen, or do you feel your being shrink back in fear? Can you consciously hear the voice that is chattering endlessly from a programmed perception as it immediately warns you to get back into the place where you belong? Is the fear that is bred from your ever protective ego so engrained that you obediently close off once again to a yet unknown flow of intelligence of which you are a part of?
Why is it that every time you attempt to think a new unpracticed thought of something different than you have ever known, that this voice of fear seems to always interfere? What does it have to hide from you? What is it afraid that you will find out? Perhaps the voice of fear is only your programmed ego who is afraid of the extinction of its existence within you once you have r ealized your true being of power. Yet it is not for us to banish our ego from our beings. Instead, we follow the universal law of inclusion by soothing our emotion with our reasoning Mind, joining it one with us, thus creating our feeling of wholeness instead of separation. If you listen carefully, you will hear two voices, one voice emanates from fear, and one comes from a source we all inherently know but have yet to remember. Are you the person that follows along, or do you reason for yourself? Do you dare to challenge the voice of fear, or do you think it is the voice of God that warns you to stop thinking for yourself and go along as you have always been told in blind faith? Jesus said What doth it profit a man say he hath faith, and not works? (James 2:14)
From personal experience I know that it was not an easy path to trust in my own guidance that came from within after the many years of structured and cultural conditioning from society and religion. Attempting to make a connection to that God for ones own self is seemingly admonished by our so called leaders, yet when one does so it is only accepted if it is done in the structured and said manner of the Superior belief system which appears to govern our actions and even our thoughts. When will our thoughts be our own again? What will it be like when we know our every thought is an actual thing being projected, beginning a creation? When will we know that we do not know everything about our world? What will it be like when we find out we are not the most evolved beings which have existed here upon the earth or that there are mysteries within our world that would rifle even the best science fiction story? When will our cynical beliefs we have thought of over and over again be opened up to allow more? Does n ot all expand? Even in our daily lives do we not see evidence that after time and time again with the same unwanted experience that we evolve into a greater knowledge and understanding from this actual personal experience?
What if you were to have an experience, that you could not imagine or deny, an experience directly between you, God and beings yet unseen or acknowledged by most of the whole of humanity? Would it not seem reasonable to think with our own God given and capable Minds that such a thing could be possible if the courage could be summoned by the will of our being to open, expand, and allow ourselves such an thing? Yet warning bells go off immediately to shut the Mind from thinking anything which will require a change in our comfortable places. We seem content to live in the miserable beliefs of a world where we are victims of chance and horrible possibilities of disease, fear and death, all of which we are susceptible to if we do not abide by the laws given by man. In this, we have given up our powerful selves. We give it to those that lead us, never daring to question, nor having the slightest inclination to question anything specified. I have found that exact Truth is found within ones own being, propelled by a knowing one must come to remember.
We are forewarned of the great danger which lies in unknown places, and counseled to keep our Minds protected from such follies that could possibly lead us astray. Such are the cattle which blindly go along in fear of straying from the path, and in their repetition of thought they have brought such things to show evidence that their way is Truth, not knowing that they are their own creator of cause and effect. In their conviction they defend and oppress others from walking their own path, admonishing them to think as they think, condemning any that would dare look to their own guidance within as they ask the daring question, Is there more? Scoffed are those who have ventured into the unknown world bringing back new wisdom and knowledge. Life replicates life and one day of course like we do now we will look back and understand through our trial and error the Truth of what was given. Mostly unknown they walk among us aligning with others who are like them, their Truth kept deep and hidden yet free for any who would venture on the quest.
Can you ask yourself if it could be possible to take that first trusting step inward and know that you hav e a powerful God given power within you to discern and know the light from the dark? Whether you call this power within you the Holy Ghost, your Inner Being,or your Emotional Guidance System, there can be many names. But in knowing that this power is within and a part of who you are is a key to knowing the mysteries and wisdom of the Cosmos. Is it not reasonable to think that the path to greatness must be experienced and achieved by ascending oneself through individual experience? There is not only one path, but many paths that can lead to the goal when one is guided from within, judging and weighing ones own being through the focal point of our connection to that which we are at our deepest core. It is said that one can know all things and be perfect even as our Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matt 5: 48) Jesus did not tell us this to stress us out or make us think that we had to live a difficult life filled with guilt and shame in our continual strife to achi eve something that one might feel is an impossible goal. He told us this to help us realize who we are, where we came from, why we are here. He wanted to show us our possibility of expansion.
There is only life emanating life, consciousness expanding into further consciousness, all things done in wisdom and order playing its unique part in creation. Thus, life can be the greatest Joy and adventure one could ever dream, due only to the way one might choose to view, or think of their world, thus creating a vibrational flow, drawing to themselves that which their focus is upon.
There are symbols and clues all around us that help to crack away at the hard shell of our present perception. We have life to experience and observe as we watch nature and the creatures of the earth. Are we so unlike the caterpillar who transforms seemingly magically into a beautiful butterfly? What promoted this transformation? What desire, intention, projection of focus, created a b utterfly from a slowly crawling caterpillar? How long did the caterpillar think it had to stay there on the ground because it was just a caterpillar after all, and to dream of someday flying above the plants and flowers, was only yet a dream? Surely if the other insects had had the ability to use a reasoning Mind, they would have laughed and scoffed at such a thing. Yet perhaps it is because there was no one there to tell the caterpillar that it could never fly, that it set its powerful intent and went on to create the miracle that we trivially accept without wonder or thought. Are we just seeing with our eyes, yet not truly seeing? What level of Truth do we allow ourselves to ponder here?
Perhaps we are like the baby chick who in its shell pushes and strives to break free of its increasingly confinin g space. How is it the chick senses that there is something more, outside the comfort of all that it has ever known? Yet surely it would wither and die without further nourishment once its small home had served the purpose it had provided in the cycle of the chicks creation. Even in embryo the small pulsing life was connected to its source of nourishment, instinctively expanding, evolving to point after point of growth where it eventually uses its expanded strength to break free into a world yet unknown.
We standing on the outside know of the newborns Evolution and watch for its arrival. We see its struggle, its moments of rest, and then its relentless quest, which finally brings it forth into a new plane of existence. Does one dare to ask the question, What then is observing us, and our Evolution? We know if we were to pull the shell away from the chick, to help ease its struggle, that it would then be too weak and unprepared for what new experience this new worl d would bring. We know that even when the little bird has conquered the shell of its previous perception of life, gaining much strength, that yet someday it must also realize its expanded potential and fly.
Do you think the baby bird ever questions its earthly Evolution, or does it just know deep within who he is? Does it doubt his ability or compare itself to the other birds? There is no one there to say he cannot do it. There is no one to laugh or condemn, and so never giving up, the little bird tries until it has achieved the thing he knows it is. Expansion seems to be the way of all creation, even the Universe, perhaps even God. What? You say again. Another challenging thought perhaps. Most of humanity upon hearing this thought will immediately recoil and pronounce this to be truly absurdbut a reasoning M ind will think again and ask the questionIs it possible?
Would it not seem reasonable to think with our own God given and capable Minds to reason for ourselves that all things begin with a thought? We do not seem to use the imagination of which we are capable of to enlighten ourselves any further than our present state. We can only know this inner wisdom through our own experience, also receiving validation of it by observing the evidence which comes into material form from the effects which we set up every time we think a thought. Thus is creation brought from the immaterial to the material form. This is our own personal Evolution.
It has been said that a belief is just a thought one thinks over and over again until truly it becomes manifest in material reality and from the observation of it by those who witness the effect from a cause created by the thought. And so it seems all things come back again to the original thought. A wondrous thing this is to unravel for it seems to be the key of wisdom to the Truth of all creation. We then are creators are we not? For we are beings capable of deliberate and focused thought. We are told in many places in the Bible that we are Gods. Ye are Gods; and all of you are children of the most High. (Psalms 82:6)
I do not think it is blasphemy to allow ourselves to rise up from our graveling place like unto the caterpillar, to step forth from the veil of darkness into the light of Truth. Was this not how all things were created from the beginning? It has been said in the Bible that we are the offspring of God. For in Him we live and move and have our being, as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring. (Acts 17:28) Jesus told us, At that day ye shall know that I am in the F ather, and ye in me, and I in you. (John 14:20) Therefore is it so strange to think that we too are as God, even extensions of God? Would it be so preposterous to think that as we evolve, so does God?
Are we so unlike the caterpillar or the baby chick? Even in our own observation of everything in our physical world, do we not see the similes that reflect the harmonious laws of God? If God is a being of order, would it not be reasonable to think that the Cosmic laws would be inclusive and expanding, not man made laws that exclude and shut out, coming from a basis of fear? Do we not see the symbol of our journey through our own physical birth, moving from the womb, to the struggle through the birth canal, to our carefully prepared emergence into the physical plane? Do we see our own cycle of creation through our continual expansion in life? Just because some have not yet remembered our life before this experience here on the material plane, does not mean there was no preparation or expanding that brought us up to this point. Upon pondering this point, it raises the question, So why should life stop expanding now? Has life ever just stopped expanding? Is there an end to progression? I think not. The questions that come after these realizations come naturally, leading us to open ourselves to new and wondrous thoughts, for we begin to sense that there is truly more to the story of heaven, earth, and death.
We are like the leaf of the tree, drawing our expansion through the earth in a continuous cycle, being a part of everything, yet focused in a specific purpose of our choice from thought. Reaching upward the tree acts as an extension of the earth, that great being from which it came, and the leaf is the extension of the tree, yet all are a part of the same being, extending itself in oneness, for further expansion through the Joyous cycle of life. Even in death the fallen leaf returns to the whole, which in Truth it was ne ver separated from, and again begins a new expansive cycle of life.
Have we not yet to fly and continue our expansion as well? I see no end, no finality. I see expansion in our mighty beings, potential yet untapped, spaces unexplored, thoughts yet unimagined, possibilities yet to attain. I see the quivering nucleus of a single thought that I deliberately think as it builds in crescendo through the Cosmos, reasoning, creating through order and harmony in waves of living light that resonate in harmonious vibration, expanding and Joyously dancing through the songs of colors yet unknown.
Every day I try to think a thought I have not yet thought before. Looking back in my present life cycle I can see my personal Evolution and see with expanding clarity the experiences I have lived and the role that each life drama has played in my life to create the powerful desires which have burst from my being. I see my connection to my true self, and in knowing who I am, I un lock treasures untold from within. Mystery is only hidden knowledge attainable to any who keeps their eye on the goal. Long have I sought for wisdom, knowing no place of ending, for I know that before me is the ever receding goal that I seek to attain. Truth is expansion and it seems that even infinity is moving onto some unthinkable end. Therefore, I AM, forever and ever, expanding, creating, and I am here in this eternal now moment, loving the feeling that fulfills me as I bask in the sweet appreciation that I know this. I believe I will ever aspire in the delicious yearning for that something out there that is yet unknown to me, yet somewhere inside I will know that it is out there somewhere, even if I create it myself. Knowing this, I feel the eternal spark in my being that whispers that I am yet something more.
It is given unto you to know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but unto them it is not given. Therefore, speak I to them in parables; because t hey seeing, see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. But blessed are your eyes, for they see; and your ears, for they hear. (Mathew 13: 11,13,16)
Marlee Rosenhan was born August 16, 1967. She grew up in a small town in Utah and has explored the mysteries and beauty of her world with a sense of adventure and Joy. Not without her own hardships, her journey and search for more has brought her to many places of growth and learning in which she finds her bliss in sharing it with those of like Minds. Adventurous in spirit she enJoys almost any outdoor sport from skiing, snowboarding, hiking, skateboarding, to a quiet walk, reading, meditating,playing with her two girls. This list can never be completed, for in her world there is never completion, but ever evolving into expansion of an ything which brings her Joy.
Author:: Marlee Rosenhan
Keywords:: Law of Attraction,Happiness,Truth,Evolution,Power of Thought,Empowerment,Joy, Dreams, Jesus,
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