Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sea Foam

She leaned against the wall in front of the house,
And watched as wave after wave, crashed onto the Shore,
And the Seafoam, swirled and fizzeled and glimmered.
The smell of the Ocean was thick on this foggy day,
And that just intensified the salty taste,
Of the olive rolling around in her mouth.
She liked to savor the taste of green olives,
And it would take her about 5 minutes just to eat one.
She watched some of the regular locals taking their walks.
Same people, same time, same days, the same things.
But that was part of this small town life.
Dependability, stability, and regularity.
She watched the surf fisher-man ready his pole,
And was intrigued by the thought,
That he would catch fish so close to Shore,
In the same surf where she played and swam.
The sun was going down behind the wall of fog,
And the air took on a sudden chill.
She watched him cast his line out,
Reel it in; cast it out, and reel it in again.
Then she smelled the faint odor of mint and tobacco.
She turned and smiled as her grandfather joined her,
His snuff can in hand, leaning next to her on the wall, without a word;
Where they both watched the surf-fisher cast his line out,
Reel it in; cast it out, and reel it in again,
Till the sun went down

Deborah Coss, has been writting since 8 years old, getting published off and on since 15, and finally realized her child hood dream, of carrying press credentials, working for A diverse writer, publishnig several business type sites, she now publishes her own site,, creates some fine arts, and loves photography, commenting she is a social portraiture photographer and prefers the medium of black and white. In art, she has a very constructionist attitude, and enjoys making masks, and other 3 dimensional objects. On a personal side, she survived an extremly violent childhood, some serious trauma, including being crushed by a car at age 3 and half. Thus, her site, tells of overcoming hardships, in her many styles of writing. She is a baby boomer, raised in Southern California, bi-lingual in Spanish, descened from French, German, English and American Indian bloodlines. Coss finds words fun, and communication an art.

Author:: Deborah Coss
Keywords:: Deborah Coss, Sea Foam, Surf Fisher Man, Shore, Seafoam, foggy day, Ocean, green olives, salty taste
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