[Dick Earnest is now sitting in his office going through the genealogy of the families involved with Anna Viper and recording it for Anna.
Dear Anna, on this 18th tape I am writing you, that is I mean, telling you, for I have already read and written what I need to for this report, I have put together a sort of genealogy for you, it may or may not leave open questions, but it also my answer, or close some old questions for you. Having said that let me explain:
There was a deep feud [quarrel between the Trials Family, and the Viper Family, I have found out. This goes back quite a ways. Sally really being a Viper was as we now know, adapted. And Thomas, now listen closely Anna, this is new informationThomas was born a Trials (Anna listening to the tape is in disbelief, re-winding it to play back, to replay it over again), but changed his name to Viper at his uncles request, which was within his Last Will. For doing this he received $600,000. Why, you may be asking? Yes, I know, you, you are asking this question for sure, I will let you know later. Anyhow, her father, Tyrone Viper, killed the brother of Dennis Trials in 1911 [Azaz; during a gang fight between the Irish [the Trials and the Polish [the Vipers feud and Dennis swore hed get to all his family one way or another. But Dennis father was really more the trouble-maker, so it turned out to be. He was the uncle that paid the $600,000 to Thomas to change his name so he could get revenge after Arthur himself died. (Anna now shaking her head listening to this tape, totally frustrated, yet coming to a more settled belief; she now finds a chair to sit down and listens, instead of pacing the floor.) Which was to infect the Viper family in the future, one being Sally, and you, Anna, to follow in such foot steps; --much too much information to digest, but nonetheless, I must shake out the blanket for you, it is old, very old scares. But trust me, I wil l provide you with all I know, I will be upfront, so you, and you alone can deal with your future.
Now, having said all that, let me add, the [a pause I cant think, I was about to say, the Trials family members were a cold bunch: selfish, reckless, cleaver, and without conscious, and very, very revengeful; --and so now Thomas Viper (whom really is a Trials)was looking for what he got paid for, to implement revenge, and Sally was the next in line for it. He knew many of Sallys moves because of a cult member called the Unbegotten [or Ghostit, I say, it was not by chance, or hand picking at random, it was all premeditated; and quite cleverly implemented if you ask me. Nothing was taken for granted, or given to chancethe Unbegotten had a powerful crystal and could see most every move she made, and could hear her at times planning her day, and would transmit this back to Thomas, via the Master of the Cult, or Vii. It was all planned out, step by step, or so I believe; on e may call it, if you will, simply a stepping stone to the next victim. And down the line it would be you I expect, they predictedyou. Everything seemed to be planned out long before Sally was born, or you were born, or others in the Viper family were born. And all of you were an incubator for the Virus Worm; or to be until the end of days.
Let me now take you Anna to another level of this diabolic scheme by the Trials Family. You see, Thomas gave to Sally, what would inspire her to come to Minnesota, a building. And of course, being a cousin makes it all family. Now they were living together, yet, she did not know he was a revengeful Trials family member, or if she was infected to the point of being immune to the germ of the worm, but was a carrier of the cursethe curse of course being equal to the disease of the virus worm inside her. I do hope this has become clearer for you Anna. I am leaving out some things for your benefit, and will explain them in the nea r future, should there be need for them.
Mr. Earnest has explained some information about the so called Ghost, of the 77-Day Cult, yet leaves out specific things. As he told her, hed talk more on The Unbegotten (the Ghost) of the Cult, if need be, at a later date. Yet the specific information left out was: the Executioner, whose job was to watch Sally, in particular, and to have reported on her dependency to the cult (in years past), and to watch Thomas, and report when his uselessness was declared, and finalized; and to let him die; and for Anna (for he: the Ghost is to insure that the cult is updated on such things as: when she is in need of feeling safe, and in need of trust
The Killing Level [The black circle
(Mr. Earnest, now all rested up after taking a long nap, goes back into his study room, sits on the floor, looking at his papers, makes a phone call to New Orleans, saying: Everything is going well, I got all the documents on the floor, and I rat her find this all, if not amusing and interesting, quite profound, I didnt expect to have to put so much time and effort into this project, but for the sake of science I shall, with a quiet laughter, he moves his eyebrows up and down a bit, clears his throat, then turns on the tape to record more data, and information for Anna.)
Dear Anna, here we go with another tape:
Just called New Orleans, family and friends to let them know Im still on this project, they are wondering why it is taking so long, I think they want me for some other developments; at any rate. No! We are not over with this yet, I mean with Sally or Thomas. In essence, Sally was born of Viper blood, and should have to tolerate the burden of it. It is the dimensional law of the curse.
No one ever knew what was in the back of the Trials minds (any of them)and most folks never would, to include me; but what I did find out was mysterious enough as it wasthat is, his rise and his fathers rise to unprecedented wealth. Not even hard times bothered the Trials, for the most part. But one hard fact was this: no Trials ever looked in the mirror when someone else was around. There of course was a reason for this. A black ring around their forehead would show up. Yes, it would appear as a ring that circled the forehead about one to one and a half inches wide; it was of a mysterious quality to say the least, a powerful impregnate-charcoal deep color, almost hypnotic if you stared at it long enough, or too long. The Trials had this curse, and now it went to the Vipers, as well as the Trials; --let me add to this, once the eyes of a person with this spell, or curse, once it gripped yours there was little flexibility left in the other person, that is will or effort, would not break the hypnotic-magnetic type trance it could put you into, --marking a moment of danger to anyone who was conscious to it.
His father (Dennis Trials) had it, as well as his fathers-father (Arthur Trials). But the curse was now on the Viper family for many generations to follow, and for Sally, and consequently, they would give the true cynical curse to all. It happened to be the 77-Day Cult, was not involved with this black magic curse, as some have thought, that was given at the time to the Viper family, but was well aware of Arthur Trials and his deeds and revengeful-ideas, and they had even taught him some black magic, but the Trials were intrinsically empowered with some demonic forces long before they knew the group, for the group never had such binding powers within themselvesthough Im sure they wished they would have. If anything, the group helped him use, abuse, and monitor his powers, along with reaping his powers to a more fulfillment status; I know this for a fact.
And so in one respect, there seemed to be a connecting-if not inextricable relationship with the four families, and the cult from New Orleans all links if I may say, that spread from England, to Erie, to Nashville, to New Orleans, and up to Minnesota. And from my understanding (continued Mr. Dick Earnest on the tape with a bothersome tone of voice at this juncture), the Vipers and the Trials curse can end, but only with the end of the original blood line; the other option I was looking at is an infusion, if not transfusion of blood.
The CorpseEaters
[Dick explains about the initiation into the Cult
To eat the remains of their victims, this is what they did Anna. I hate to tell you, but it is all part of the cults initiation. Yes, you are left with others in the basement of the mansion, and not given food for 77-days, and you are given corpses to eat; if you can make it out after 77-days, it is considered a deliverance, and they leave your arms and skulls, and feet to eat, and one another if need be, that is, if one finds out your heart is in the wrong place. Let me explain:
This is not the normal world [in the cult, and on e should not expect things to happen as one thinks or feels it should, while visiting this world, as expected in theirun-bizarre world. I have studied this Cult even before you hired me Anna. In any case, let me go on.
In this world, their world, it may start out familiar, but one will discover soon after, it is quite different. In this world, in its deep, deep chambers in its basements are bells ringing, colors of orange, purples and reds, pianos playing by themselves; black magic being reviewed. Everything marches slower in these basement chambers, of this mansion, of lost time; where the Corpse-eaters exist, and hunger and allegiance is measured by eating the corpses (Arthur was one of these corpses, as was many other members when they get old and die).
Sometimes the living is put there, yet they are too weak to fight, and wait to die, and the others are waiting for the warm bodies to turn cold; death and the dying. This is not an old dilemma for mankind, it has been practiced in Russia not so long ago, lets say, how about 1922; and even thereafter. So it was not formulated by the group alone, only borrowed.
In this world, like it or not, everyone secretly suspects each other of being (within their heart) a member of the upper real world, the common folk, which is of course forbidden. This is why they are in the tunnels of this great basement. And so locked up, down in this cool uncanny environment; each new member must prove to the elite members their loyalty to the group, thus becoming a citizen of this/his order, embodied in this league of elite beings, otherwise known as the 77-Day Cult.
The cult was formed in the 18th Century, and the mansion was built by a man, a man of mystery I am told, from Minnesota in the 19th Century, it could even be a Trials, no just kidding, how about a Viper, again Im just kidding; but Id give a $1000-dollars to tell you if I could. Anyhow, the order was less prominent prior to the building of the mansion they now live in, in New Orleans. Matter of fact, it was built in 1877, in 77-days. This is where the number seven comes in. Plus, the number for the group was selected because of other reasons, one being, God made the earth in 6-days, and rested on the 7th and so if it is good enough for Him, it is good enough for themso I am told. Plus, in the Bible, in Mt. 7:7, it says: Ask and you shall receive. Likewise in the Cult, they liked that verse so much they adapted it to their cannon, --hence, once you are a member, all you need to do is, Ask and you shall receive. And so Anna, I thought this little history would be of interest for you.
[He now turned off the tape: Should I have told her so much? Mr. Earnest now questions himself? --Then turns the tape back on.
I had to cough, so I turned off the tape, Anna, but lets go on with it. As I was about to say, and I am getting ahead of myself, yes, yes, leaping ahead I guess I am, let me back track a bit. The curse was handed down through the Trials family or the ability to give it, from his father Dennis, and from Dennis father Arthur. It all dates back to what was called the The Great Lie. One that was a promise to God, and not kept: the lie left the liar with a black circle around its owners forehead (in the form of a curse), when looking in a mirror the owner of the lie would see this; meaning, which you already know, is the stamp of disapproval. And so Dennis Trials, resembling his father, and Thomas both kept the Great Lie unresolved, alive, and lost the grace of Gods security along the way, or long ago, however you want to put it, and through the boys death (the brothers death that is), transferred it to the Vipers, yet, the Trials never lost it, that is, they never got rid of it, it only somewhat migrated, that is a portion of the liars curse and the new curse to the Viper family: these black circles did not appear on the Vipers women righ t away, but as time went on and only after the first lie; thereafter, by way of committing the deadly sin, of killing the first born, came the second curse, one might say, their curse, as it was transformed within the bodies of the Vipers, through killing the first born son of the Trials years ago. And so the test for the Vipers was handed out, to kill the first born of their sons as to keep the curse alive, or both curses alive one might add, in which, if reversed, meaning, if they would not kill their first born (this qualifying as a good deed), this would bring back their sanctification, not only by God to God, -but it would worsen the curse back onto the Trialswhich would possible rid the Viper family of the curse forever, but remember again, the first born was always as ugly as a rat, if not demonic in nature itself, and even possibly infected by the Worm. Until then, they, and I mean by saying they, up to this point anyway, the Vipers remained held by the curse, and sometimes, Viper adolescents, acquired the dark band around the forehead, again, upon their first lie, appearing in the mirroras I expect yours might have started, or possible you have not told a lie, and I know for a fact you have not conceived a child yet--; depending on these facts Anna, I hate to say, your sinful past, or infected pastor un-sinful past, be that as it may, all determines your outcome, or can; that is your future looks at your past; and if the Virus Worm is living in you now, it to will determine to a certain degree your outcome; another variable to add to all this data.
In addition to all this, holding the oncoming demons of this world at bay, such as Vii, who took over the 77-Day Cult, and his friend the Tiamat, and Lady Belinda, and the Executioner (or otherwise known as the Cult Master), all a race unto themselves, is or would be very difficult to a Viper should s/he try; and one must remember, I mean you Anna, these people I talk about would surely gain from your [Annas historical past. In a like manner, curses like the one you are exposed to, can have power, control, even influence over a persons death; some people like having this power.
The Viper family is not only open to the Trials, but to the new Vipers who now inherit the curse. But when the last Trials died, so did their curse for the Trials, as will be for the Vipers I expect, which is you Anna, unless you have a child, but if you do not have a child, and you do not have the black ring, you will be haunted and hunted for the rest of your lifefor the label of the curse in-essence is that you are one of the chosen from The Eldritch Tombs, the dark tombs and vaults of hell, where the henchman Agaliarept lives, and where the demons make account to (Lucifers dungeons if you will). The child might be the key, and also your death, and oh well many other things. And so again, they (the Viper family) were at the mercy of the demons: the Trials, the Cul t and in the future, possibly the Vipers after the Vipers.
I will send along a drawing of him I found in all this paperwork, of Agaliarept that is, if you wish to do some research on him, go ahead, help yourself:
Arthur was given gifts of money from the demonic forces to keep him in the committed realm of the Cult. That is why he never was lost for money; he sold his soul, as did Belinda for long life and beauty, a thousand years of long life, and the Trials such as Arthur for ongoing support. Plus, he liked being revengeful, as we all know by now.
See Dennis' books at http://www.amazon.com
Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Chapter Story
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