Monday, April 16, 2012

The Dark Hands of Agaliarept

You may find this strange, but I will try to explain it the best I can. In July, of 2005, I woke up choking, someone had shut up my breathing cords I was gasping for air, almost died: I did pray on the spot. I was sleeping; I had noticed my neck getting tighter, I mean my neck was being sucked in, my throat was blocked, tighter and tighter it became. Now, let me backtrack a few decades, in l984, I had a vision of black hands trying to cover my eyes, a demonic creature no doubt. Then my motherhere we were living together, and she saw a demonic face peering through our third story window.

Agaliarept is the Satans Henchman in hell and he has a legend of demon working for him: overtime some times. Evidently, we do not see eye to eye on some things, and I was working on a manuscript called: The Last Trumpet: and the Woodbridge Demon, which got lost [and evidently got his attention, all three copies for 13-years, and then I found it miraculously one day, found it hidden among a ton of paper I thought I had checked a few dozen times before. And sent it to the editor and they edited it; I dare not have done it in fear Id lose it again. I gave it to a clergy to edit, and review, he died, and I could never get the copy back. The second clergy I gave it to lose it, so he says.

Now again, last night in the dark, my dark bedroom, Im laying sleeping, and my wife, short, laying down farther, or so I thought by me. Im up towards the head of the bed. I sleep almost dead like when I get to sleep, and my wife has to check things out, she is more alert than I am. So something again creeps into the bedroom [this is 3:O0 AM, my wife is really out on the computer, copying down the book: The Curse of the Abyss Worm. Dark hands I say, dark hand I see in my dream, or is it that I am half awake, Im not sure, and all of a sudden chocking, hard and sharp, and I screamed, and the hands let go, and I saw them let go, and they were dark, and my wife jumped out of bed [I thought, but she really came running into the bedroom, turned on the light asked what was the problem. Looked about, saw nothing, I said very little to her: Its just a bad dream, so Id not upset her. But the hands grabbed my stomach; I have the red marks: unless Im trying to kill myself; one in particular to the left of me upper part of my abdomen. He had missed his mark. The bed looked, I suppose, as if it my bed was farther down. You might be asking: demon can see in the dark, if that is the truth, then hes eyes were fooled by another angelic being behind him, because he didnt miss my neck last time. Or he needs glasses like me.

And so, for those who sleep, and think you are safe, let me tell you, be that as it may, I have dealt with the other world for a long time, and they are real, as real as you and I, and they have the advantage of seeping into both realms, and we do also, too a certain degree. So sleep well, and goodnight. [8/29/2005

PS . Perhaps these hands were, could have been the hands the hands Umak saw at the edge of the cliff, looking down into the sea? His employer you might say.

Dennis Siluk, went to the University of Maryland, and Troy State University, getting degrees from both of them, and did graduate work at the Univesity, getting a license in Counseling thereafter. He lives in Peru, and Minnesota. He is a world traveler, and loves poetry, short stories and certan novels. His site can be see at, visit it, 50,000 others do each year.

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Short Sketch
Post by History of the Computer | Computer safety tips

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