Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Magic of the Amazon" and "Cavewoman and the Rat" two poems Now in Spanish and English

Magic of the Amazon
[Ballade of the Peruvian Amazon

I know the Amazon, as long and desolate

I know its currents have strippd the skies blue. Alas, my friends! Beneath the fierce waters weight
The crust of the earth lies, where pink dolphins lay.
So be it, but I seek the fabled shore,
To pacify my desires with mystic lore,
I shall wander in its riddled labyrinth;
Here, in this landbeguiled for evermore.

Note by the author: The Amazon, when I went down it in, 2002finding it a voyage of a lifetime; at times long a tedious, but never quite dull; nor was it ever quite silent. The Magic of the Amazon was entangling, its endless sounds, and never-ending tributaries filled with the flow of the Amazon. I went down it 125-miles, and inland several miles. Enticed by its sea of green, and although there is much to say about the Amazon, I have only a small poem, I do hope I do not take away from its grandness.

The Cavewoman and the R at

[In Heaven The Cavewoman asked the Rat: What kind of women-creature should I be on earth? Said the Rat to the Cavewoman God has given you a choice pick as you please; hence, come aboard my craft and well think! [A long pause took place. We are almost ready to go down to earth, said the Rat, preparing the flying craft. Oh please, please! asked the Cavewomen [indecorously, give me the answer; I need it before I arrive so I know what to do? And so the Rat said in his lyrical way, Take charge of your own life or someone else will, and play you the fool.

Note: [Prose Poetry Written Spring, 2002, Revised 7/2005; to be published in the future book Curse of the Abyss Worm. #763

In Spanish

Magia del Amazonas

[Balada del Amazonas peruano

Conozco el Amazonas, tan largo y solitario

S que sus corrientes tienen d esnudados los cielos azules.

Ay!, mis amigos! Bajo el peso feroz de sus aguas

La corteza de la tierra miente, donde delfines rosados descansan.
Entonces djelo as, pero yo busco la orilla fabulosa,
Para pacificar mis deseos con la ciencia mstica,
Vagar en su laberinto acribillado;
Aqu, en esta seductora tierra por siempre jams.

Nota por el autor: El Amazonas, cuando fui en el 2002, encontrndome en un viaje habitual; un tiempo largo y tedioso, pero jams bastante embotado; ni estuvo tampoco bastante silencioso. La Magia de Amazonas estaba enredando, sus sonidos infinitos, y nunca los afluentes interminables se llenaron con el flujo del Amazonas. Disminu ello 125 millas, y varias millas interiores. Atrado por su mar verde, y aunque hay mucho para decir sobre el Amazonas, tengo slo un pequeo poema, espero que yo no me lleve de su magnfico.

La Caverncola y la Rata

[En el Cielo la caverncola pregunt a la Rata-: Qu clase de criaturas-mujeres debera yo ser en la tierra? dijo la Rata a la caverncola Dios le ha dado a escoger como ud plazca; de ah, venga a bordo de mi nave y pensaremos! [Una pausa larga ocurri. estamos casi listos para bajar a la tierra, dijo la Rata, preparando el platillo volador. Ah por favor, por favor! pregunt la caverncola [indecorosamente, dame la respuesta; lo necesito antes de llegar, as sabr qu hacer? Y entonces la Rata dijo en su modo lrico, Encrguese de su propia vida o alguien ms lo har-, y le jugar el idiota.

Note: escrito en primavera, 2002, Revisado 7/2005; ser publicado en el futuro libro ' Maldicin del Gusano de Abismo. *763

Dennis Siluk is a poet and author, his web site is at and you can see his books at

Author:: Dennis Siluk
Keywords:: Poetry
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